BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
0.2.0Major refactor for version 0.2.0Jakob Odersky4 years
gh-pagesPublish websiteJakob Odersky4 years
masterAdd plugins required to publish to maven centralJakob Odersky6 years
v0.1.1yamlesque-0.1.1.tar.gz  yamlesque-0.1.1.tar.bz2  yamlesque-0.1.1.zip  Jakob Odersky6 years
v0.1.0yamlesque-0.1.0.tar.gz  yamlesque-0.1.0.tar.bz2  yamlesque-0.1.0.zip  Jakob Odersky6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-04-09Add plugins required to publish to maven centralHEADv0.1.1v0.1.0masterJakob Odersky3-7/+14
2018-04-09Get version from git tagJakob Odersky1-0/+5
2018-04-08Use single lineJakob Odersky1-4/+1
2018-04-08Add scala type to code snippetsJakob Odersky1-2/+2
2018-04-08Add script to set up scalanative in travisJakob Odersky1-1/+8
2018-04-08Add travis badgeJakob Odersky1-0/+2
2018-04-08Add publishing information and enable travis buildJakob Odersky2-0/+42
2018-04-08Run scalafmtJakob Odersky1-16/+20
2018-04-08Run scalafmt on sbt configurationJakob Odersky2-5/+5
2018-04-08Restructure buildJakob Odersky4-12/+27