# yamlesque Pure Scala YAML parsing. As the name suggests, "yam-el-esque" is a Scala implementation of the most frequently used YAML features. It takes inspiration from Spray-JSON and aims to provide an idiomatic, to-the-point API that is cross-platform and has a minimal set of dependencies. It does not strictly implement all features as defined in [YAML 1.2](http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html), however support should be sufficient for regular use. Pull requests with additional feature implementations are always welcome! ## Getting Started Include yamlesque into a project. In sbt, this can be done with: ``` libraryDependencies += "io.crashbox" %% "yamlesque" % "" ``` ### Parse some YAML ``` import yamlesque._ val text = s"""|name: yamlesque |description: a YAML library for scala |authors: | - name: Jakob Odersky | id: jodersky | - name: Another |""".stripMargin // parse yaml to a typesafe representation val yaml = text.parseYaml ```