diff options
2 files changed, 109 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/app/index.html b/app/index.html
index 6bf7fc0..bfbc92e 100644
--- a/app/index.html
+++ b/app/index.html
@@ -4,18 +4,21 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My HTML File</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/paper-full.js"></script>
<script src="lib/angular.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js" ></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js" ></script>
<script src="js/services.js" ></script>
- <script src="js/filters.js" ></script>
<body ng-app="playGraph" ng-controller="pointCtrl">
<svg id="world" width="500" height="500">
<circle data-ng-repeat="point in points" cx="{{point.x}}" cy="{{point.y}}" r="10" stroke="gray" stroke-width="2" fill="{{getColor(point)}}"></circle>
<line data-ng-repeat="tuple in line | sliding2" x1="{{tuple[0].x}}" y1="{{tuple[0].y}}" x2="{{tuple[1].x}}" y2="{{tuple[1].y}}" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" />
- </svg>
+ </svg>-->
+ <canvas id="canvas" resize ng-mousedown="mouseDown($event)" ng-mousemove="mouseDrag($event)" ng-mouseup="mouseUp()"></canvas>
<li data-ng-repeat="song in playlist">
diff --git a/app/js/controllers.js b/app/js/controllers.js
index e79dfa9..80303ab 100644
--- a/app/js/controllers.js
+++ b/app/js/controllers.js
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
/* Controllers */
var p = new Point(1,2);
app.controller('pointCtrl', function($scope, $http, pathService){
var constList = [
{x: 10, y:20},
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ app.controller('pointCtrl', function($scope, $http, pathService){
var playlist = pathService.computePlaylist(dummyPoints,constList, 60);
- $scope.line=constList;
+// $scope.line=constList;
@@ -27,6 +29,107 @@ app.controller('pointCtrl', function($scope, $http, pathService){
return "red"
+ // Get a reference to the canvas object
+ var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
+ // Create an empty project and a view for the canvas:
+ paper.setup(canvas);
+ // Create a Paper.js Path to draw a line into it:
+ var path = new paper.Path();
+ // Give the stroke a color
+ path.strokeColor = 'black';
+ var start = new paper.Point(100, 100);
+ var textItem = new paper.PointText({
+ content: 'Click and drag to draw a line.',
+ point: new Point(20, 30),
+ fillColor: 'black',
+ });
+ // Move to start and draw a line from there
+ path.moveTo(start);
+ // Note that the plus operator on Point objects does not work
+ // in JavaScript. Instead, we need to call the add() function:
+ path.lineTo(start.add([ 200, -50 ]));
+ // Draw the view now:
+ paper.view.draw();
+ $scope.mouseDown = function(event){
+ console.log(event);
+ if (path) {
+ path.selected = false;
+ }
+ // Create a new path and set its stroke color to black:
+ path = new paper.Path({
+ segments: [new paper.Point(event.x, event.y)],
+ strokeColor: 'black',
+ // Select the path, so we can see its segment points:
+ fullySelected: true
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.mouseDrag = function(event){
+ path.add(new paper.Point(event.x, event.y));
+ // Update the content of the text item to show how many
+ // segments it has:
+ textItem.content = 'Segment count: ' + path.segments.length;
+ };
+$scope.mouseUp = function(){
+ var segmentCount = path.segments.length;
+ var points = Array();
+ // When the mouse is released, simplify it:
+ path.simplify(10);
+ for(i=0; i<path._segments.length; i++)
+ {
+ points.push({'x' : path._segments[i]._point.x, 'y' : path._segments[i]._point.y});
+ }
+ console.log(points);
+ var pointsAsString = points.map(function(o){return o.x+","+o.y});
+ // Select the path, so we can see its segments:
+ path.fullySelected = true;
+ textItem.content = pointsAsString.join(' ; ');
+ };
+ var path;
+ $scope.mouseDown = function(event){
+ if (path) {
+ path.selected = false;
+ }
+ // Create a new path and set its stroke color to black:
+ path = new paper.Path({
+ segments: [event.point],
+ strokeColor: 'black',
+ // Select the path, so we can see its segment points:
+ fullySelected: true
+ });
+ };
+ paper.install(window);
+ var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
+ paper.setup('canvas');
+ */