package import java.sql.SQLException import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.CacheDirectives.`no-cache` import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{StatusCodes, _} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.slf4j.MDC import import import scala.compat.Platform.ConcurrentModificationException trait DriverRoute { def log: Logger def route: Route def routeWithDefaults: Route = { (defaultResponseHeaders & handleExceptions(ExceptionHandler(exceptionHandler))) { route } } protected def defaultResponseHeaders: Directive0 = { extractRequest flatMap { request => // Needs to happen before any request processing, so all the log messages // associated with processing of this request are having this `trackingId` val trackingId = rest.extractTrackingId(request) val tracingHeader = RawHeader(ContextHeaders.TrackingIdHeader, trackingId) MDC.put("trackingId", trackingId) respondWithHeaders(tracingHeader +: DriverRoute.DefaultHeaders: _*) } } /** * Override me for custom exception handling * * @return Exception handling route for exception type */ protected def exceptionHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Route] = { case serviceException: ServiceException => serviceExceptionHandler(serviceException) case is: IllegalStateException => ctx => log.warn(s"Request is not allowed to ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri}", is) errorResponse(StatusCodes.BadRequest, message = is.getMessage, is)(ctx) case cm: ConcurrentModificationException => ctx => log.warn(s"Concurrent modification of the resource ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri}", cm) errorResponse(StatusCodes.Conflict, "Resource was changed concurrently, try requesting a newer version", cm)( ctx) case se: SQLException => ctx => log.warn(s"Database exception for the resource ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri}", se) errorResponse(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Data access error", se)(ctx) case t: Exception => ctx => log.warn(s"Request to ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri} could not be handled normally", t) errorResponse(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, t.getMessage, t)(ctx) } protected def serviceExceptionHandler(serviceException: ServiceException): Route = { val statusCode = serviceException match { case e: InvalidInputException =>"Invalid client input error", e) StatusCodes.BadRequest case e: InvalidActionException =>"Invalid client action error", e) StatusCodes.Forbidden case e: UnauthorizedException =>"Unauthorized user error", e) StatusCodes.Unauthorized case e: ResourceNotFoundException =>"Resource not found error", e) StatusCodes.NotFound case e: ExternalServiceException => log.error("Error while calling another service", e) StatusCodes.InternalServerError case e: ExternalServiceTimeoutException => log.error("Service timeout error", e) StatusCodes.GatewayTimeout case e: DatabaseException => log.error("Database error", e) StatusCodes.InternalServerError } { (ctx: RequestContext) => import xyz.driver.core.json.serviceExceptionFormat val entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, serviceExceptionFormat.write(serviceException).toString()) errorResponse(statusCode, entity, serviceException)(ctx) } } protected def errorResponse[T <: Exception](statusCode: StatusCode, message: String, exception: T): Route = errorResponse(statusCode, HttpEntity(message), exception) protected def errorResponse[T <: Exception](statusCode: StatusCode, entity: ResponseEntity, exception: T): Route = { complete(HttpResponse(statusCode, entity = entity)) } } object DriverRoute { val DefaultHeaders: List[HttpHeader] = List( // This header will eliminate the risk of envoy trying to reuse a connection // that already timed out on the server side by completely rejecting keep-alive Connection("close"), // These 2 headers are the simplest way to prevent IE from caching GET requests RawHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"), `Cache-Control`(List(`no-cache`(Nil))) ) }