package import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import com.github.swagger.akka.SwaggerHttpService import com.github.swagger.akka.model._ import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import io.swagger.models.Scheme import io.swagger.util.Json import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type import scala.util.control.NonFatal class Swagger( override val host: String, override val schemes: List[Scheme], version: String, val apiTypes: Seq[Type], val config: Config, val logger: Logger) extends SwaggerHttpService { lazy val mirror = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader) override val apiClasses = { tpe => mirror.runtimeClass(tpe.typeSymbol.asClass) }.toSet // Note that the reason for overriding this is a subtle chain of causality: // // 1. Some of our endpoints require a single trailing slash and will not // function if it is omitted // 2. Swagger omits trailing slashes in its generated api doc // 3. To work around that, a space is added after the trailing slash in the // swagger Path annotations // 4. This space is removed manually in the code below // // TODO: Ideally we'd like to drop this custom override and fix the issue in // 1, by dropping the slash requirement and accepting api endpoints with and // without trailing slashes. This will require inspecting and potentially // fixing all service endpoints. override def generateSwaggerJson: String = { import io.swagger.models.{Swagger => JSwagger} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ try { val swagger: JSwagger = // Removing trailing spaces swagger.setPaths( swagger.getPaths.asScala .map { case (key, path) => key.trim -> path } .toMap .asJava) Json.pretty().writeValueAsString(swagger) } catch { case NonFatal(t) => logger.error("Issue with creating swagger.json", t) throw t } } override val basePath: String = config.getString("swagger.basePath") override val apiDocsPath: String = config.getString("swagger.docsPath") override val info = Info( config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.description"), version, config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.title"), config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.termsOfServiceUrl"), contact = Some( Contact( config.getString(""), config.getString(""), config.getString("") )), license = Some( License( config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.license"), config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.licenseUrl") )), vendorExtensions = Map.empty[String, AnyRef] ) def swaggerUI: Route = pathEndOrSingleSlash { getFromResource("swagger-ui/index.html") } ~ getFromResourceDirectory("swagger-ui") }