package xyz.driver.core import import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import akka.http.scaladsl.server.PathMatcher import akka.http.scaladsl.server.PathMatcher.Matched import com.neovisionaries.i18n.{CountryCode, CurrencyCode} import enumeratum._ import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import eu.timepit.refined.refineMV import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, Matchers, WordSpec} import spray.json._ import xyz.driver.core.TestTypes.CustomGADT import xyz.driver.core.auth.AuthCredentials import xyz.driver.core.domain.{Email, PhoneNumber} import xyz.driver.core.json._ import xyz.driver.core.json.enumeratum.HasJsonFormat import xyz.driver.core.tagging.Taggable import xyz.driver.core.time.provider.SystemTimeProvider import xyz.driver.core.time.{Time, TimeOfDay} import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq class JsonTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with Inspectors { import DefaultJsonProtocol._ "Json format for Id" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referenceId = Id[String]("1312-34A") val writtenJson = json.idFormat.write(referenceId) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("\"1312-34A\"") val parsedId = parsedId should be(referenceId) } } "Json format for @@" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { trait Irrelevant val reference = Id[JsonTest]("SomeID").tagged[Irrelevant] val format = json.taggedFormat[Id[JsonTest], Irrelevant] val writtenJson = format.write(reference) writtenJson shouldBe JsString("SomeID") val parsedId: Id[JsonTest] @@ Irrelevant = parsedId shouldBe reference } "read and write correct JSON when there's an implicit conversion defined" in { JsString(" some string ").convertTo[String @@ Trimmed] shouldBe "some string" val trimmed: String @@ Trimmed = " some string " trimmed.toJson shouldBe JsString("some string") } } "Json format for Name" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referenceName = Name[String]("Homer") val writtenJson = json.nameFormat.write(referenceName) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("\"Homer\"") val parsedName = parsedName should be(referenceName) } "read and write correct JSON for Name @@ Trimmed" in { trait Irrelevant JsString(" some name ").convertTo[Name[Irrelevant] @@ Trimmed] shouldBe Name[Irrelevant]("some name") val trimmed: Name[Irrelevant] @@ Trimmed = Name(" some name ") trimmed.toJson shouldBe JsString("some name") } } "Json format for NonEmptyName" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val jsonFormat = json.nonEmptyNameFormat[String] val referenceNonEmptyName = NonEmptyName[String](refineMV[NonEmpty]("Homer")) val writtenJson = jsonFormat.write(referenceNonEmptyName) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("\"Homer\"") val parsedNonEmptyName = parsedNonEmptyName should be(referenceNonEmptyName) } } "Json format for Time" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referenceTime = new SystemTimeProvider().currentTime() val writtenJson = json.timeFormat.write(referenceTime) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("{\n \"timestamp\": " + referenceTime.millis + "\n}") val parsedTime = parsedTime should be(referenceTime) } "read from inputs compatible with Instant" in { val referenceTime = new SystemTimeProvider().currentTime() val jsons = Seq(JsNumber(referenceTime.millis), JsString(Instant.ofEpochMilli(referenceTime.millis).toString)) forAll(jsons) { json => json.convertTo[Time] shouldBe referenceTime } } } "Json format for TimeOfDay" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val utcTimeZone = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") val referenceTimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.parseTimeString(utcTimeZone)("08:00:00") val writtenJson = json.timeOfDayFormat.write(referenceTimeOfDay) writtenJson should be("""{"localTime":"08:00:00","timeZone":"UTC"}""".parseJson) val parsed = parsed should be(referenceTimeOfDay) } } "Json format for Date" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { import date._ val referenceDate = Date(1941, Month.DECEMBER, 7) val writtenJson = json.dateFormat.write(referenceDate) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("\"1941-12-07\"") val parsedDate = parsedDate should be(referenceDate) } } "Json format for java.time.Instant" should { val isoString = "2018-08-08T08:08:08.888Z" val instant = Instant.parse(isoString) "read correct JSON when value is an epoch milli number" in { JsNumber(instant.toEpochMilli).convertTo[Instant] shouldBe instant } "read correct JSON when value is an ISO timestamp string" in { JsString(isoString).convertTo[Instant] shouldBe instant } "read correct JSON when value is an object with nested 'timestamp'/millis field" in { val json = JsObject( "timestamp" -> JsNumber(instant.toEpochMilli) ) json.convertTo[Instant] shouldBe instant } "write correct JSON" in { instant.toJson shouldBe JsString(isoString) } } "Path matcher for Instant" should { val isoString = "2018-08-08T08:08:08.888Z" val instant = Instant.parse(isoString) val matcher = PathMatcher("foo") / InstantInPath / "read instant from millis" in { matcher(Uri.Path("foo") / ("+" + instant.toEpochMilli) / "bar") shouldBe Matched(Uri.Path("bar"), Tuple1(instant)) } "read instant from ISO timestamp string" in { matcher(Uri.Path("foo") / isoString / "bar") shouldBe Matched(Uri.Path("bar"), Tuple1(instant)) } } "Json format for java.time.LocalDate" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val dateString = "2018-08-08" val date = LocalDate.parse(dateString) date.toJson shouldBe JsString(dateString) JsString(dateString).convertTo[LocalDate] shouldBe date } } "Json format for Revision" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referenceRevision = Revision[String]("037e2ec0-8901-44ac-8e53-6d39f6479db4") val writtenJson = json.revisionFormat.write(referenceRevision) writtenJson.prettyPrint should be("\"" + + "\"") val parsedRevision = parsedRevision should be(referenceRevision) } } "Json format for Email" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referenceEmail = Email("test", "") val writtenJson = json.emailFormat.write(referenceEmail) writtenJson should be("\"\"".parseJson) val parsedEmail = parsedEmail should be(referenceEmail) } } "Json format for PhoneNumber" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val referencePhoneNumber = PhoneNumber("1", "4243039608") val writtenJson = json.phoneNumberFormat.write(referencePhoneNumber) writtenJson should be("""{"countryCode":"1","number":"4243039608"}""".parseJson) val parsedPhoneNumber = parsedPhoneNumber should be(referencePhoneNumber) } "reject an invalid phone number" in { val phoneJson = """{"countryCode":"1","number":"111-111-1113"}""".parseJson intercept[DeserializationException] { }.getMessage shouldBe "Invalid phone number" } } "Json format for ADT mappings" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { sealed trait EnumVal case object Val1 extends EnumVal case object Val2 extends EnumVal case object Val3 extends EnumVal val format = new EnumJsonFormat[EnumVal]("a" -> Val1, "b" -> Val2, "c" -> Val3) val referenceEnumValue1 = Val2 val referenceEnumValue2 = Val3 val writtenJson1 = format.write(referenceEnumValue1) writtenJson1.prettyPrint should be("\"b\"") val writtenJson2 = format.write(referenceEnumValue2) writtenJson2.prettyPrint should be("\"c\"") val parsedEnumValue1 = val parsedEnumValue2 = parsedEnumValue1 should be(referenceEnumValue1) parsedEnumValue2 should be(referenceEnumValue2) } } "Json format for Enums (external)" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { sealed trait MyEnum extends EnumEntry object MyEnum extends Enum[MyEnum] { case object Val1 extends MyEnum case object `Val 2` extends MyEnum case object `Val/3` extends MyEnum val values: IndexedSeq[MyEnum] = findValues } val format = new enumeratum.EnumJsonFormat(MyEnum) val referenceEnumValue1 = MyEnum.`Val 2` val referenceEnumValue2 = MyEnum.`Val/3` val writtenJson1 = format.write(referenceEnumValue1) writtenJson1 shouldBe JsString("Val 2") val writtenJson2 = format.write(referenceEnumValue2) writtenJson2 shouldBe JsString("Val/3") val parsedEnumValue1 = val parsedEnumValue2 = parsedEnumValue1 shouldBe referenceEnumValue1 parsedEnumValue2 shouldBe referenceEnumValue2 intercept[DeserializationException] {"Val4")) }.getMessage shouldBe "Unexpected value Val4. Expected one of: [Val1, Val 2, Val/3]" } } "Json format for Enums (automatic)" should { "read and write correct JSON and not require import" in { sealed trait MyEnum extends EnumEntry object MyEnum extends Enum[MyEnum] with HasJsonFormat[MyEnum] { case object Val1 extends MyEnum case object `Val 2` extends MyEnum case object `Val/3` extends MyEnum val values: IndexedSeq[MyEnum] = findValues } val referenceEnumValue1: MyEnum = MyEnum.`Val 2` val referenceEnumValue2: MyEnum = MyEnum.`Val/3` val writtenJson1 = referenceEnumValue1.toJson writtenJson1 shouldBe JsString("Val 2") val writtenJson2 = referenceEnumValue2.toJson writtenJson2 shouldBe JsString("Val/3") import spray.json._ val parsedEnumValue1 = writtenJson1.prettyPrint.parseJson.convertTo[MyEnum] val parsedEnumValue2 = writtenJson2.prettyPrint.parseJson.convertTo[MyEnum] parsedEnumValue1 should be(referenceEnumValue1) parsedEnumValue2 should be(referenceEnumValue2) intercept[DeserializationException] { JsString("Val4").convertTo[MyEnum] }.getMessage shouldBe "Unexpected value Val4. Expected one of: [Val1, Val 2, Val/3]" } } // Should be defined outside of case to have a TypeTag case class CustomWrapperClass(value: Int) "Json format for Value classes" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val format = new ValueClassFormat[CustomWrapperClass](v => BigDecimal(v.value), d => CustomWrapperClass(d.toInt)) val referenceValue1 = CustomWrapperClass(-2) val referenceValue2 = CustomWrapperClass(10) val writtenJson1 = format.write(referenceValue1) writtenJson1.prettyPrint should be("-2") val writtenJson2 = format.write(referenceValue2) writtenJson2.prettyPrint should be("10") val parsedValue1 = val parsedValue2 = parsedValue1 should be(referenceValue1) parsedValue2 should be(referenceValue2) } } "Json format for classes GADT" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { import CustomGADT._ import DefaultJsonProtocol._ implicit val case1Format = jsonFormat1(GadtCase1) implicit val case2Format = jsonFormat1(GadtCase2) implicit val case3Format = jsonFormat1(GadtCase3) val format = GadtJsonFormat.create[CustomGADT]("gadtTypeField") { case _: CustomGADT.GadtCase1 => "case1" case _: CustomGADT.GadtCase2 => "case2" case _: CustomGADT.GadtCase3 => "case3" } { case "case1" => case1Format case "case2" => case2Format case "case3" => case3Format } val referenceValue1 = CustomGADT.GadtCase1("4") val referenceValue2 = CustomGADT.GadtCase2("Hi!") val writtenJson1 = format.write(referenceValue1) writtenJson1 should be("{\n \"field\": \"4\",\n\"gadtTypeField\": \"case1\"\n}".parseJson) val writtenJson2 = format.write(referenceValue2) writtenJson2 should be("{\"field\":\"Hi!\",\"gadtTypeField\":\"case2\"}".parseJson) val parsedValue1 = val parsedValue2 = parsedValue1 should be(referenceValue1) parsedValue2 should be(referenceValue2) } } "Json format for a Refined value" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val jsonFormat = json.refinedJsonFormat[Int, Positive] val referenceRefinedNumber = refineMV[Positive](42) val writtenJson = jsonFormat.write(referenceRefinedNumber) writtenJson should be("42".parseJson) val parsedRefinedNumber = parsedRefinedNumber should be(referenceRefinedNumber) } } "InetAddress format" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val address = InetAddress.getByName("") val json = inetAddressFormat.write(address) json shouldBe JsString("") val parsed = parsed shouldBe address } "throw a DeserializationException for an invalid IP Address" in { assertThrows[DeserializationException] { val invalidAddress = JsString("foobar:") } } } "AuthCredentials format" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val email = Email("someone", "") val phoneId = PhoneNumber.parse("1 207 8675309") val password = "nopassword" phoneId.isDefined should be(true) // test this real quick val emailAuth = AuthCredentials(email.toString, password) val pnAuth = AuthCredentials(phoneId.get.toString, password) val emailWritten = authCredentialsFormat.write(emailAuth) emailWritten should be("""{"identifier":"","password":"nopassword"}""".parseJson) val phoneWritten = authCredentialsFormat.write(pnAuth) phoneWritten should be("""{"identifier":"+1 2078675309","password":"nopassword"}""".parseJson) val identifierEmailParsed ="""{"identifier":"","password":"nopassword"}""".parseJson) var written = authCredentialsFormat.write(identifierEmailParsed) written should be("{\"identifier\":\"\",\"password\":\"nopassword\"}".parseJson) val emailEmailParsed ="""{"email":"","password":"nopassword"}""".parseJson) written = authCredentialsFormat.write(emailEmailParsed) written should be("{\"identifier\":\"\",\"password\":\"nopassword\"}".parseJson) } } "CountryCode format" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val samples = Seq( "US" -> CountryCode.US, "CN" -> CountryCode.CN, "AT" -> CountryCode.AT ) forAll(samples) { case (serialized, enumValue) => countryCodeFormat.write(enumValue) shouldBe JsString(serialized) shouldBe enumValue } } } "CurrencyCode format" should { "read and write correct JSON" in { val samples = Seq( "USD" -> CurrencyCode.USD, "CNY" -> CurrencyCode.CNY, "EUR" -> CurrencyCode.EUR ) forAll(samples) { case (serialized, enumValue) => currencyCodeFormat.write(enumValue) shouldBe JsString(serialized) shouldBe enumValue } } } }