package xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.db import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.logging._ sealed trait SearchFilterExpr { def find(p: SearchFilterExpr => Boolean): Option[SearchFilterExpr] def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr } object SearchFilterExpr { val Empty = Intersection.Empty val Forbid = Atom.Binary( dimension = Dimension(None, "true"), op = SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Eq, value = "false" ) case class Dimension(tableName: Option[String], name: String) { def isForeign: Boolean = tableName.isDefined } sealed trait Atom extends SearchFilterExpr { override def find(p: SearchFilterExpr => Boolean): Option[SearchFilterExpr] = { if (p(this)) Some(this) else None } override def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr = { if (f.isDefinedAt(this)) f(this) else this } } object Atom { case class Binary(dimension: Dimension, op: SearchFilterBinaryOperation, value: AnyRef) extends Atom object Binary { def apply(field: String, op: SearchFilterBinaryOperation, value: AnyRef): Binary = Binary(Dimension(None, field), op, value) } case class NAry(dimension: Dimension, op: SearchFilterNAryOperation, values: Seq[AnyRef]) extends Atom object NAry { def apply(field: String, op: SearchFilterNAryOperation, values: Seq[AnyRef]): NAry = NAry(Dimension(None, field), op, values) } /** dimension.tableName extractor */ object TableName { def unapply(value: Atom): Option[String] = value match { case Binary(Dimension(tableNameOpt, _), _, _) => tableNameOpt case NAry(Dimension(tableNameOpt, _), _, _) => tableNameOpt } } } case class Intersection private (operands: Seq[SearchFilterExpr]) extends SearchFilterExpr with SearchFilterExprSeqOps { override def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr = { if (f.isDefinedAt(this)) f(this) else { this.copy( } } } object Intersection { val Empty = Intersection(Seq()) def create(operands: SearchFilterExpr*): SearchFilterExpr = { val filtered = operands.filterNot(SearchFilterExpr.isEmpty) filtered.size match { case 0 => Empty case 1 => filtered.head case _ => Intersection(filtered) } } } case class Union private (operands: Seq[SearchFilterExpr]) extends SearchFilterExpr with SearchFilterExprSeqOps { override def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr = { if (f.isDefinedAt(this)) f(this) else { this.copy( } } } object Union { val Empty = Union(Seq()) def create(operands: SearchFilterExpr*): SearchFilterExpr = { val filtered = operands.filterNot(SearchFilterExpr.isEmpty) filtered.size match { case 0 => Empty case 1 => filtered.head case _ => Union(filtered) } } def create(dimension: Dimension, values: String*): SearchFilterExpr = values.size match { case 0 => SearchFilterExpr.Empty case 1 => SearchFilterExpr.Atom.Binary(dimension, SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Eq, values.head) case _ => val filters = { value => SearchFilterExpr.Atom.Binary(dimension, SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Eq, value) } create(filters: _*) } def create(dimension: Dimension, values: Set[String]): SearchFilterExpr = create(dimension, values.toSeq: _*) // Backwards compatible API /** Create SearchFilterExpr with empty tableName */ def create(field: String, values: String*): SearchFilterExpr = create(Dimension(None, field), values: _*) /** Create SearchFilterExpr with empty tableName */ def create(field: String, values: Set[String]): SearchFilterExpr = create(Dimension(None, field), values) } case object AllowAll extends SearchFilterExpr { override def find(p: SearchFilterExpr => Boolean): Option[SearchFilterExpr] = { if (p(this)) Some(this) else None } override def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr = { if (f.isDefinedAt(this)) f(this) else this } } case object DenyAll extends SearchFilterExpr { override def find(p: SearchFilterExpr => Boolean): Option[SearchFilterExpr] = { if (p(this)) Some(this) else None } override def replace(f: PartialFunction[SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterExpr]): SearchFilterExpr = { if (f.isDefinedAt(this)) f(this) else this } } def isEmpty(expr: SearchFilterExpr): Boolean = { expr == Intersection.Empty || expr == Union.Empty } sealed trait SearchFilterExprSeqOps { this: SearchFilterExpr => val operands: Seq[SearchFilterExpr] override def find(p: SearchFilterExpr => Boolean): Option[SearchFilterExpr] = { if (p(this)) Some(this) else { // Search the first expr among operands, which satisfy p // Is's ok to use foldLeft. If there will be performance issues, replace it by recursive loop operands.foldLeft(Option.empty[SearchFilterExpr]) { case (None, expr) => expr.find(p) case (x, _) => x } } } } // There is no case, when this is unsafe. At this time. implicit def toPhiString(x: SearchFilterExpr): PhiString = { if (isEmpty(x)) Unsafe("SearchFilterExpr.Empty") else Unsafe(x.toString) } } sealed trait SearchFilterBinaryOperation object SearchFilterBinaryOperation { case object Eq extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object NotEq extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object Like extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object Gt extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object GtEq extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object Lt extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation case object LtEq extends SearchFilterBinaryOperation } sealed trait SearchFilterNAryOperation object SearchFilterNAryOperation { case object In extends SearchFilterNAryOperation case object NotIn extends SearchFilterNAryOperation }