package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZoneId} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonGenerator, JsonParser} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind._ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.{JsonDeserialize, JsonSerialize} import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.compat.Implicits._ import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain._ import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.logging._ import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.utils.Utils import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.validation.Validators import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.validation.Validators.Validator import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.Document.Meta import scalaz.Equal final case class ProviderType(id: LongId[ProviderType], name: String) object ProviderType { sealed trait ProviderTypeName case object MedicalOncology extends ProviderTypeName case object Surgery extends ProviderTypeName case object Pathology extends ProviderTypeName case object MolecularPathology extends ProviderTypeName case object LaboratoryMedicine extends ProviderTypeName case object Radiology extends ProviderTypeName case object InterventionalRadiology extends ProviderTypeName case object RadiationOncology extends ProviderTypeName case object PrimaryCare extends ProviderTypeName case object Cardiology extends ProviderTypeName case object Dermatology extends ProviderTypeName case object Ophthalmology extends ProviderTypeName case object Gastroenterology extends ProviderTypeName case object Neurology extends ProviderTypeName case object Psychiatry extends ProviderTypeName case object Gynecology extends ProviderTypeName case object InfectiousDisease extends ProviderTypeName case object Immunology extends ProviderTypeName case object Nephrology extends ProviderTypeName case object Rheumatology extends ProviderTypeName case object Cytology extends ProviderTypeName case object Otolaryngology extends ProviderTypeName case object Anesthesiology extends ProviderTypeName case object Urology extends ProviderTypeName case object PalliativeCare extends ProviderTypeName case object EmergencyMedicine extends ProviderTypeName case object SocialWork extends ProviderTypeName case object NA extends ProviderTypeName case object Other extends ProviderTypeName def fromString(txt: String): Option[ProviderTypeName] = { txt match { case "Medical Oncology" => Some(MedicalOncology) case "Surgery" => Some(Surgery) case "Pathology" => Some(Pathology) case "Molecular Pathology" => Some(MolecularPathology) case "LaboratoryMedicine" => Some(LaboratoryMedicine) case "Radiology" => Some(Radiology) case "Interventional Radiology" => Some(InterventionalRadiology) case "Radiation Oncology" => Some(RadiationOncology) case "Primary Care" => Some(PrimaryCare) case "Cardiology" => Some(Cardiology) case "Dermatology" => Some(Dermatology) case "Ophthalmology" => Some(Ophthalmology) case "Gastroenterology" => Some(Gastroenterology) case "Neurology" => Some(Neurology) case "Psychiatry" => Some(Psychiatry) case "Gynecology" => Some(Gynecology) case "Infectious Disease" => Some(InfectiousDisease) case "Immunology" => Some(Immunology) case "Nephrology" => Some(Nephrology) case "Rheumatology" => Some(Rheumatology) case "Cytology" => Some(Cytology) case "Otolaryngology" => Some(Otolaryngology) case "Anesthesiology" => Some(Anesthesiology) case "Urology" => Some(Urology) case "Palliative Care" => Some(PalliativeCare) case "Emergency Medicine" => Some(EmergencyMedicine) case "Social Work" => Some(SocialWork) case "N/A" => Some(NA) case "Other" => Some(Other) case _ => None } } implicit def toPhiString(x: ProviderType): PhiString = { import x._ phi"ProviderType(id=$id, category=${Unsafe(name)})" } } final case class DocumentType(id: LongId[DocumentType], name: String) object DocumentType { sealed trait DocumentTypeName case object OutpatientPhysicianNote extends DocumentTypeName case object DischargeNote extends DocumentTypeName case object LaboratoryReport extends DocumentTypeName case object MedicationList extends DocumentTypeName case object HospitalizationNote extends DocumentTypeName case object PathologyReport extends DocumentTypeName case object RadiologyReport extends DocumentTypeName case object OperativeProcedureReport extends DocumentTypeName case object MedicationAdministration extends DocumentTypeName case object SocialWorkCaseManagementNote extends DocumentTypeName case object NonPhysicianProviderNote extends DocumentTypeName case object Administrative extends DocumentTypeName def fromString(txt: String): Option[DocumentTypeName] = { txt match { case "Outpatient Physician Note" => Some(OutpatientPhysicianNote) case "Discharge Note" => Some(DischargeNote) case "Laboratory Report" => Some(LaboratoryReport) case "Medication List" => Some(MedicationList) case "Hospitalization Note" => Some(HospitalizationNote) case "Pathology Report" => Some(PathologyReport) case "Radiology Report" => Some(RadiologyReport) case "Operative/Procedure Report" => Some(OperativeProcedureReport) case "Medication Administration" => Some(MedicationAdministration) case "Social Work/Case Management Note" => Some(SocialWorkCaseManagementNote) case "Non-physician Provider Note" => Some(NonPhysicianProviderNote) case "Administrative" => Some(Administrative) case _ => None } } implicit def equal: Equal[DocumentType] = Equal.equal[DocumentType](_ == _) implicit def toPhiString(x: DocumentType): PhiString = { import x._ phi"DocumentType(id=$id, name=${Unsafe(name)})" } } object Document { final case class Meta(predicted: Option[Boolean], startPage: Double, endPage: Double) { /** * Return a regular meta: this meta is considered as not predicted */ def confirmed: Meta = copy(predicted = => false)) } class DocumentStatusSerializer extends JsonSerializer[Status] { def serialize(value: Status, gen: JsonGenerator, serializers: SerializerProvider): Unit = { gen.writeString(value.toString.toUpperCase) } } class DocumentStatusDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer[Status] { def deserialize(parser: JsonParser, context: DeserializationContext): Status = { val value = parser.getValueAsString Option(value).fold[Document.Status](Status.New /* Default document status */ ) { v => Status.All.find(_.toString.toUpperCase == v) match { case None => throw new RuntimeJsonMappingException(s"$v is not valid Document.Status") case Some(status) => status } } } } // Product with Serializable fixes issue: // Set(New, Organized) has type Set[Status with Product with Serializable] @JsonDeserialize(using = classOf[DocumentStatusDeserializer]) @JsonSerialize(using = classOf[DocumentStatusSerializer]) sealed trait Status extends Product with Serializable { def oneOf(xs: Status*): Boolean = xs.contains(this) def oneOf(xs: Set[Status]): Boolean = xs.contains(this) } object Status { case object New extends Status case object Organized extends Status case object Extracted extends Status case object Done extends Status case object Flagged extends Status case object Archived extends Status val All = Set[Status](New, Organized, Extracted, Done, Flagged, Archived) val AllPrevious = Set[Status](Organized, Extracted) def fromString(status: String): Option[Status] = status match { case "New" => Some(Status.New) case "Organized" => Some(Status.Organized) case "Extracted" => Some(Status.Extracted) case "Done" => Some(Status.Done) case "Flagged" => Some(Status.Flagged) case "Archived" => Some(Status.Archived) case _ => None } def statusToString(x: Status): String = x match { case Status.New => "New" case Status.Organized => "Organized" case Status.Extracted => "Extracted" case Status.Done => "Done" case Status.Flagged => "Flagged" case Status.Archived => "Archived" } implicit def toPhiString(x: Status): PhiString = Unsafe(Utils.getClassSimpleName(x.getClass)) } sealed trait RequiredType extends Product with Serializable { def oneOf(xs: RequiredType*): Boolean = xs.contains(this) def oneOf(xs: Set[RequiredType]): Boolean = xs.contains(this) } object RequiredType { case object OPN extends RequiredType case object PN extends RequiredType val All = Set[RequiredType](OPN, PN) def fromString(tpe: String): Option[RequiredType] = tpe match { case "OPN" => Some(RequiredType.OPN) case "PN" => Some(RequiredType.PN) case _ => None } def requiredTypeToString(x: RequiredType): String = x match { case RequiredType.OPN => "OPN" case RequiredType.PN => "PN" } implicit def toPhiString(x: RequiredType): PhiString = Unsafe(Utils.getClassSimpleName(x.getClass)) } implicit def toPhiString(x: Document): PhiString = { import x._ phi"Document(id=$id, status=$status, assignee=$assignee, " + phi"previousAssignee=$previousAssignee, lastActiveUserId=$lastActiveUserId, recordId=$recordId)" } val validator: Validator[Document, Document] = { input => for { typeId <- Validators.nonEmpty("typeId")(input.typeId) providerTypeId <- Validators.nonEmpty("providerTypeId")(input.providerTypeId) meta <- Validators.nonEmpty("meta")(input.meta) startDate <- Validators.nonEmpty("startDate")(input.startDate) isOrderRight <- input.endDate match { case Some(endDate) if startDate.isAfter(endDate) =>"The start date should be less, than the end one") case _ => Validators.success(true) } areDatesInThePast <- { val dates = List(input.startDate, input.endDate).flatten val now = val hasInvalid = dates.exists(_.isAfter(now)) if (hasInvalid)"Dates should be in the past") else Validators.success(true) } } yield input } } @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = Array("valid")) final case class Document(id: LongId[Document] = LongId(0L), status: Document.Status, previousStatus: Option[Document.Status], assignee: Option[StringId[User]], previousAssignee: Option[StringId[User]], lastActiveUserId: Option[StringId[User]], recordId: LongId[MedicalRecord], physician: Option[String], typeId: Option[LongId[DocumentType]], // not null providerName: Option[String], // not null providerTypeId: Option[LongId[ProviderType]], // not null requiredType: Option[Document.RequiredType], meta: Option[TextJson[Meta]], // not null startDate: Option[LocalDate], // not null endDate: Option[LocalDate], lastUpdate: LocalDateTime) { import Document.Status._ if (previousStatus.nonEmpty) { assert(AllPrevious.contains(previousStatus.get), s"Previous status has invalid value: ${previousStatus.get}") } def getRequiredType(documentTypeName: String, providerTypeName: String): Option[Document.RequiredType] = { import DocumentType.{OutpatientPhysicianNote, PathologyReport} import ProviderType.MedicalOncology (DocumentType.fromString(documentTypeName), ProviderType.fromString(providerTypeName), startDate) match { case (Some(OutpatientPhysicianNote), Some(MedicalOncology), Some(date)) if !(date.isAfter("Z"))) || date.isBefore("Z")).minusMonths(6))) => Some(Document.RequiredType.OPN) case (Some(PathologyReport), _, _) => Some(Document.RequiredType.PN) case _ => None } } // TODO: with the current business logic code this constraint sometimes harmful // require(status match { // case Document.Status.New if assignee.isDefined => false // case Document.Status.Done if assignee.isDefined => false // case _ => true // }, "Assignee can't be defined in New or Done statuses") }