package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.formats.json.recordissue import java.time.{ZoneId, ZonedDateTime} import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json._ import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.MedicalRecordIssue final case class ApiRecordIssue(id: Long, startPage: Option[Double], endPage: Option[Double], text: String, lastUpdate: ZonedDateTime, userId: String, isDraft: Boolean, evidence: String, archiveRequired: Boolean, meta: String) object ApiRecordIssue { implicit val format: Format[ApiRecordIssue] = ( (JsPath \ "id").format[Long] and (JsPath \ "startPage").formatNullable[Double] and (JsPath \ "endPage").formatNullable[Double] and (JsPath \ "text").format[String] and (JsPath \ "lastUpdate").format[ZonedDateTime] and (JsPath \ "userId").format[String] and (JsPath \ "isDraft").format[Boolean] and (JsPath \ "evidence").format[String] and (JsPath \ "archiveRequired").format[Boolean] and (JsPath \ "meta").format[String](Format(Reads { x => JsSuccess(Json.stringify(x)) }, Writes[String](Json.parse))) )(ApiRecordIssue.apply, unlift(ApiRecordIssue.unapply)) def fromDomain(x: MedicalRecordIssue) = ApiRecordIssue( id =, startPage = x.startPage, endPage = x.endPage, text = x.text, lastUpdate = ZonedDateTime.of(x.lastUpdate, ZoneId.of("Z")), userId =, isDraft = x.isDraft, evidence = x.evidence, archiveRequired = x.archiveRequired, meta = x.meta ) }