package import java.time.LocalDate import java.util.UUID import fastparse.all._ import fastparse.core.Parsed import xyz.driver.restquery.query.{SearchFilterBinaryOperation, SearchFilterExpr, SearchFilterNAryOperation} import xyz.driver.restquery.utils.Utils import xyz.driver.restquery.utils.Utils._ import scala.util.Try @SuppressWarnings(Array("org.wartremover.warts.Product", "org.wartremover.warts.Serializable")) object SearchFilterParser { private object BinaryAtomFromTuple { def unapply(input: (SearchFilterExpr.Dimension, (String, Any))): Option[SearchFilterExpr.Atom.Binary] = { val (dimensionName, (strOperation, value)) = input val updatedValue = trimIfString(value) parseBinaryOperation(strOperation.toLowerCase).map { op => SearchFilterExpr.Atom.Binary(dimensionName, op, updatedValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) } } } private object NAryAtomFromTuple { // Compiler warning: unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure, if we user Seq[String] def unapply(input: (SearchFilterExpr.Dimension, (String, Seq[_]))): Option[SearchFilterExpr.Atom.NAry] = { val (dimensionName, (strOperation, xs)) = input val updatedValues = parseNAryOperation(strOperation.toLowerCase).map( op => SearchFilterExpr.Atom .NAry(dimensionName, op,[AnyRef]))) } } private def trimIfString(value: Any) = value match { case s: String => Utils.safeTrim(s) case a => a } private def parseBinaryOperation: String => Option[SearchFilterBinaryOperation] = SearchFilterBinaryOperation.binaryOperationsFromString.get private def parseNAryOperation: String => Option[SearchFilterNAryOperation] = SearchFilterNAryOperation.nAryOperationsFromString.get private val whitespaceParser = P(CharPred(Utils.isSafeWhitespace)) val dimensionParser: Parser[SearchFilterExpr.Dimension] = { val identParser = P( CharPred(c => c.isLetterOrDigit) .rep(min = 1)).!.map(s => SearchFilterExpr.Dimension(None, toSnakeCase(s))) val pathParser = P(identParser.! ~ "." ~ identParser.!) map { case (left, right) => SearchFilterExpr.Dimension(Some(toSnakeCase(left)), toSnakeCase(right)) } P(pathParser | identParser) } private val commonOperatorParser: Parser[String] = { import xyz.driver.restquery.query.SearchFilterBinaryOperation.binaryOperationToName val eq = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Eq) val like = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Like) val noteq = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.NotEq) P(IgnoreCase(eq) | IgnoreCase(like) | IgnoreCase(noteq)).! } private val numericOperatorParser: Parser[String] = { import xyz.driver.restquery.query.SearchFilterBinaryOperation.binaryOperationToName val eq = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Eq) val noteq = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.NotEq) val gt = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Gt) val lt = binaryOperationToName(SearchFilterBinaryOperation.Lt) P(IgnoreCase(eq) | IgnoreCase(noteq) | ((IgnoreCase(gt) | IgnoreCase(lt)) ~ IgnoreCase(eq).?)).! } private val naryOperatorParser: Parser[String] = { import xyz.driver.restquery.query.SearchFilterNAryOperation.nAryOperationToName val in = nAryOperationToName(SearchFilterNAryOperation.In) val notin = nAryOperationToName(SearchFilterNAryOperation.NotIn) P(IgnoreCase(in) | IgnoreCase(notin)).! } private val isPositiveParser: Parser[Boolean] = P(CharIn("-+").!.?).map { case Some("-") => false case _ => true } private val digitsParser: Parser[String] = P(CharIn('0' to '9').rep(min = 1).!) // Exclude Unicode "digits" private val numberParser: Parser[String] = P(isPositiveParser ~ digitsParser.! ~ ("." ~ digitsParser).!.?).map { case (false, intPart, Some(fracPart)) => s"-$intPart.${fracPart.tail}" case (false, intPart, None) => s"-$intPart" case (_, intPart, Some(fracPart)) => s"$intPart.${fracPart.tail}" case (_, intPart, None) => s"$intPart" } private val nAryValueParser: Parser[String] = P(CharPred(_ != ',').rep(min = 1).!) private val longParser: Parser[Long] = P(CharIn('0' to '9').rep(min = 1).!.map(_.toLong)) private val booleanParser: Parser[Boolean] = P((IgnoreCase("true") | IgnoreCase("false")).!.map(_.toBoolean)) private val hexDigit: Parser[String] = P((CharIn('a' to 'f') | CharIn('A' to 'F') | CharIn('0' to '9')).!) private val uuidParser: Parser[UUID] = P( hexDigit.rep(8).! ~ "-" ~ hexDigit.rep(4).! ~ "-" ~ hexDigit .rep(4) .! ~ "-" ~ hexDigit.rep(4).! ~ "-" ~ hexDigit .rep(12) .!).map { case (group1, group2, group3, group4, group5) => UUID.fromString(s"$group1-$group2-$group3-$group4-$group5") } private val dateParser: Parser[LocalDate] = P(CharIn('0' to '9').rep(min = 4).! ~ "-" ~ CharIn('0' to '9').rep(1).! ~ "-" ~ CharIn('0' to '9').rep(1).!) .map { case (year, month, day) => LocalDate.of(year.toInt, month.toInt, day.toInt) } private val binaryAtomParser: Parser[SearchFilterExpr.Atom.Binary] = P( dimensionParser ~ whitespaceParser ~ ((numericOperatorParser.! ~ whitespaceParser ~ (dateParser | longParser | numberParser.!) ~ End) | (commonOperatorParser.! ~ whitespaceParser ~ (uuidParser | booleanParser | AnyChar .rep(min = 1) .!) ~ End)) ).map { case BinaryAtomFromTuple(atom) => atom } private val nAryAtomParser: Parser[SearchFilterExpr.Atom.NAry] = P( dimensionParser ~ whitespaceParser ~ ( naryOperatorParser ~ whitespaceParser ~ ((dateParser.rep(min = 1, sep = ",") ~ End) | (uuidParser.rep(min = 1, sep = ",") ~ End) | (longParser.rep(min = 1, sep = ",") ~ End) | (booleanParser.rep(min = 1, sep = ",") ~ End) | (nAryValueParser.!.rep(min = 1, sep = ",") ~ End)) ) ).map { case NAryAtomFromTuple(atom) => atom } private val atomParser: Parser[SearchFilterExpr.Atom] = P(binaryAtomParser | nAryAtomParser) @deprecated("play-akka transition", "0") def parse(query: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Try[SearchFilterExpr] = parse(query.toSeq.flatMap { case (key, values) => => key -> value) }) def parse(query: Seq[(String, String)]): Try[SearchFilterExpr] = Try { query.toList.collect { case ("filters", value) => value } match { case Nil => SearchFilterExpr.Empty case head :: Nil => atomParser.parse(head) match { case Parsed.Success(x, _) => x case e: Parsed.Failure[_, _] => throw new ParseQueryArgException("filters" -> formatFailure(1, e)) } case xs => val parsed = => atomParser.parse(x)) val failures: Seq[String] = parsed.zipWithIndex.collect { case (e: Parsed.Failure[_, _], index) => formatFailure(index, e) } if (failures.isEmpty) { val filters = parsed.collect { case Parsed.Success(x, _) => x } SearchFilterExpr.Intersection.create(filters: _*) } else { throw new ParseQueryArgException("filters" -> failures.mkString("; ")) } } } private def formatFailure(sectionIndex: Int, e: Parsed.Failure[_, _]): String = { s"section $sectionIndex: ${fastparse.core.ParseError .msg(e.extra.input, e.extra.traced.expected, e.index)}" } }