package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.formats.json /* import java.time.LocalDateTime import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain._ import org.davidbild.tristate.Tristate import org.scalatest.FreeSpecLike import play.api.libs.json.Json class ApiPartialDocumentSuite extends FreeSpecLike { "serialization" - { "can be deserialized" in deserialize(defaultJson) "endDate" - { def jsonWithEndDate(rawValue: String) = json("endDate" -> rawValue) def jsonWithoutEndDate = json() "when specified" - { "if non-empty object - should be parsed as date" in { val rawEndDate = "2007-12-03T10:15:30.000" val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithEndDate(quoted(rawEndDate))) assert(apiPartialEntity.endDate.exists(_ == LocalDateTime.parse(rawEndDate))) } "if null - should be parsed as Absent" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithEndDate("null")) assert(apiPartialEntity.endDate.isAbsent) } } "when unspecified - should be parsed as Unspecified" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithoutEndDate) assert(apiPartialEntity.endDate.isUnspecified) } } "assignee" - { def jsonWithAssignee(rawValue: String) = json("assignee" -> rawValue) def jsonWithoutAssignee = json() "when specified" - { "if non-empty object - should be parsed as UUID" in { val rawAssignee = 123 val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithAssignee(quoted(rawAssignee.toString))) assert(apiPartialEntity.assignee.exists(_ == rawAssignee)) } "if null - should be parsed as Absent" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithAssignee("null")) assert(apiPartialEntity.assignee.isAbsent) } } "when unspecified - should be parsed as Unspecified" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithoutAssignee) assert(apiPartialEntity.assignee.isUnspecified) } } "meta" - { def jsonWithMeta(rawValue: String) = json("meta" -> rawValue) def jsonWithoutMeta = json() "when specified" - { "if non-empty object - should be parsed as normalized JSON-string" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithMeta(""" { "foo" : 1} """)) assert(apiPartialEntity.meta.exists(_ == """{"foo":1}""")) } "if null - should be parsed as Absent" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithMeta("null")) assert(apiPartialEntity.meta.isAbsent) } "if empty object ({}) - should be parsed as Absent (same as null case)" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithMeta(" { } ")) assert(apiPartialEntity.meta.isAbsent) } } "when unspecified - should be parsed as Unspecified" in { val apiPartialEntity = deserialize(jsonWithoutMeta) assert(apiPartialEntity.meta.isUnspecified) } } def deserialize(json: String): ApiPartialDocument = { Json.parse(json).as[ApiPartialDocument] } } "applyTo" - { "endDate" - { "should choose a value of the api partial document" - { "if it present" in test(Tristate.Present( "if it absent" in test(Tristate.Absent) def test(newEndDate: Tristate[LocalDateTime]): Unit = { val origDocument = documentExample val apiPartialDocument = apiPartialDocumentExample.copy(endDate = newEndDate) val newDocument = apiPartialDocument.applyTo(origDocument) assert(newDocument.endDate === newEndDate.toOption) } } "should choose a value of the original document if it unspecified" in { val newEndDate = Tristate.Unspecified val origDocument = documentExample val apiPartialDocument = apiPartialDocumentExample.copy(endDate = newEndDate) val newDocument = apiPartialDocument.applyTo(origDocument) assert(newDocument.endDate == origDocument.endDate) } } "assignee" - { "should choose a value of the api partial document" - { "if it present" in test(Tristate.Present(123)) "if it absent" in test(Tristate.Absent) def test(newAssignee: Tristate[Long]): Unit = { val origDocument = documentExample val apiPartialDocument = apiPartialDocumentExample.copy(assignee = newAssignee) val newDocument = apiPartialDocument.applyTo(origDocument) assert(newDocument.assignee ===[User])) } } "should choose a value of the original document if it unspecified" in { val newAssignee = Tristate.Unspecified val origDocument = documentExample val apiPartialDocument = apiPartialDocumentExample.copy(assignee = newAssignee) val newDocument = apiPartialDocument.applyTo(origDocument) assert(newDocument.assignee == origDocument.assignee) } } /*"meta" - { val documentId = Id[Document]() def test(origMeta: Option[RawMeta], metaUpdate: Tristate[String], expectedNewMeta: Option[RawMeta]): Unit = { val apiPartialDocument = apiPartialDocumentExample.copy(meta = metaUpdate) val actualNewMeta = apiPartialDocument.applyTo(documentId, origMeta) assert(actualNewMeta == expectedNewMeta) } "should choose a new meta's value" - { "if it present" - { "when original meta is present" in test( origMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"foo":42}""")), metaUpdate = Tristate.Present("""{"bar":1}"""), expectedNewMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"bar":1}""")) ) "when original meta is absent" in test( origMeta = None, metaUpdate = Tristate.Present("""{"bar":1}"""), expectedNewMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"bar":1}""")) ) } "if it absent" - { "when original meta is present" in test( origMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"foo":42}""")), metaUpdate = Tristate.Absent, expectedNewMeta = None ) "when original meta is absent" in test( origMeta = None, metaUpdate = Tristate.Absent, expectedNewMeta = None ) } } "should choose an original meta if a new one is unspecified" - { "when original meta is present" in test( origMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"foo":42}""")), metaUpdate = Tristate.Unspecified, expectedNewMeta = Some(RawMeta(documentId, """{"foo":42}""")) ) "when original meta is absent" in test( origMeta = None, metaUpdate = Tristate.Unspecified, expectedNewMeta = None ) } }*/ } private def documentExample = Document( id = LongId(1), status = Document.Status.Organized, assignee = Some(LongId(1)), previousAssignee = None, recordId = LongId(1), physician = None, documentType = "type", providerName = "provider name", providerType = "provider type", meta = None, startDate =, endDate = None, lastUpdate = ) private def apiPartialDocumentExample = ApiPartialDocument( recordId = Some(12), physician = Some("new physician"), `type` = Some("new type"), startDate = Some(, endDate = Tristate.Present(, provider = Some("new provider name"), providerType = Some("new provider type"), status = Some("Extracted"), assignee = Tristate.Present(13), meta = Tristate.Present("""{"foo":42}""") ) private def quoted(v: String): String = s""""$v"""" private def defaultJson = json( "endDate" -> quoted("2007-12-03T10:15:30.000"), "assignee" -> quoted("c8b1b818-e1eb-4831-b0c8-26753b109deb"), "meta" -> """{"foo": 1}""" ) /** * Without fields: * - endDate * - assignee * - meta */ private def json(addFields: (String, String)*): String = { val addJson = addFields .collect { case (k, v) if v.nonEmpty => s""" "$k": $v """ } .mkString(",\n") s"""{ |"recordId":"bc542d3d-a928-42b8-824d-ca1520b07500", |"patientId":"foobar", |"caseId":"bazquux", |"physician":"zed", |"lastUpdate":"2007-12-03T10:15:30.000", |"type":"type1", |"startDate":"2007-10-01T09:40:00.000", |"provider":"some provider name", |"providerType":"some provider type", |"status":"New"${if (addJson.isEmpty) "" else ","} |$addJson |}""".stripMargin } } */