package xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.formats.json.sprayformats import spray.json._ import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import xyz.driver.pdsuicommon.domain.{LongId, StringId} import xyz.driver.pdsuidomain.entities.{Intervention, InterventionArm, InterventionType, InterventionWithArms} class InterventionFormatSuite extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import intervention._ "Json format for Intervention" should "read and write correct JSON" in { val intervention = Intervention( id = LongId(1), trialId = StringId("NCT000001"), name = "intervention name", originalName = "orig name", typeId = Some(LongId(10)), originalType = Some("orig type"), dosage = "", originalDescription = "", isActive = true ) val arms = List( InterventionArm(interventionId =, armId = LongId(20)), InterventionArm(interventionId =, armId = LongId(21)), InterventionArm(interventionId =, armId = LongId(22)) ) val orig = InterventionWithArms( intervention = intervention, arms = arms ) val writtenJson = interventionWriter.write(orig) writtenJson should be( """{"id":1,"name":"intervention name","typeId":10,"dosage":"","isActive":true,"arms":[20,21,22], "trialId":"NCT000001","originalName":"orig name","originalDescription":"","originalType":"orig type"}""".parseJson) val updateInterventionJson = """{"dosage":"descr","arms":[21,22]}""".parseJson val expectedUpdatedIntervention = orig.copy( intervention = intervention.copy(dosage = "descr"), arms = List( InterventionArm(interventionId =, armId = LongId(21)), InterventionArm(interventionId =, armId = LongId(22)) ) ) val parsedUpdateIntervention = applyUpdateToInterventionWithArms(updateInterventionJson, orig) parsedUpdateIntervention should be(expectedUpdatedIntervention) } "Json format for InterventionType" should "read and write correct JSON" in { val interventionType = InterventionType( id = LongId(10), name = "type name" ) val writtenJson = interventionTypeFormat.write(interventionType) writtenJson should be("""{"id":10,"name":"type name"}""".parseJson) val parsedInterventionType = parsedInterventionType should be(interventionType) } }