package xyz.driver.sbt import com.lucidchart.sbt.scalafmt.ScalafmtCorePlugin.autoImport._ import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.git import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager.autoImport._ import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.archetypes._ import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.Cmd import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ import com.typesafe.sbt.{GitBranchPrompt, GitVersioning} import org.scalastyle.sbt.ScalastylePlugin.autoImport._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.{Project, State, _} import sbtassembly.AssemblyKeys._ import sbtassembly._ import sbtbuildinfo.BuildInfoPlugin import sbtbuildinfo.BuildInfoPlugin.autoImport.{BuildInfoKey, BuildInfoOption, _} import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.ReleaseKeys._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.ReleaseTransformations._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport._ import sbtrelease.{Version, _} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import IntegrationTestPackaging.autoImport.IntegrationTest // we hide the existing definition for setReleaseVersion to replace it with our own import sbtrelease.ReleaseStateTransformations.{setReleaseVersion => recordReleaseVersion, inquireVersions => _} /** * @see */ object SbtSettings extends AutoPlugin { val JMX_PORT = 8686 object autoImport { lazy val formatSettings = { val generateScalafmtConfTask = Def.task { val scalafmtConfStream = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("scalafmt.conf") val formatConfFile = file(".scalafmt.conf") IO.write(formatConfFile, IO.readBytes(scalafmtConfStream)) formatConfFile } Seq( scalafmtConfig := generateScalafmtConfTask.value, scalafmt in Compile := { (scalafmt in Compile).dependsOn(scalafmt in Test).value }, // scalafmt::test -> tests scalafmt format in src/main + src/test (added behavior) test in scalafmt in Compile := { (test in scalafmt in Compile).dependsOn(test in scalafmt in Test).value }, test in Test := { (test in scalafmt in Compile).value (test in Test).value } ) } lazy val testScalastyle = taskKey[Unit]("testScalastyle") lazy val scalastyleSettings = { val generateScalastyleConfTask = Def.task { val stream = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("scalastyle-config.xml") val styleFile = file("scalastyle-config.xml") IO.write(styleFile, IO.readBytes(stream)) Seq(styleFile) } Seq( resourceGenerators in Compile += generateScalastyleConfTask.taskValue, scalastyleConfig := file("scalastyle-config.xml"), testScalastyle :="").value, testScalastyle in (Test, test) := { generateScalastyleConfTask.value (testScalastyle in (Test, test)).value }, testExecution in (Test, test) := { generateScalastyleConfTask.value (testScalastyle in Compile).value (testScalastyle in Test).value (testExecution in (Test, test)).value } ) } val scalacLintingSettings = Seq( scalacOptions ++= { Seq( "-Xlint:_,-unused,-missing-interpolator", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-unused:_,-explicits,-implicits" ) }, // Currently, scalac does not provide a way to fine-tune the treating of // warnings as errors. Either all are considered errors // (with -Xfatal-warnings), or none are. This hack analyzes the compiler's // output and treats all warnings as errors, except for deprecations. compile in Compile := { val log = streams.value.log val compiled = (compile in Compile).value val problems = compiled.readSourceInfos().getAllSourceInfos.asScala.flatMap { case (_, info) => info.getReportedProblems } var deprecationsOnly = true problems.foreach { problem => if (!problem.message().contains("is deprecated")) { deprecationsOnly = false val pos = problem.position val file = pos.sourcePath.asScala.getOrElse("?") val line ="?") val col ="?") val msg = problem.message val desc = pos.lineContent() + "\n" + pos.pointerSpace.asScala .getOrElse("") + "^" log.error(s"[fatal warning] $file:$line:$col $msg\n$desc") } } if (!deprecationsOnly) { throw new MessageOnlyException("Fatal warnings: some warnings other than deprecations were found.") } compiled } ) lazy val lintingSettings = scalacLintingSettings ++ scalastyleSettings lazy val repositoriesSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = { Seq( resolvers += "releases" at "", resolvers += "snapshots" at "" ) } lazy val publicationSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( publishTo := { val jfrog = "" if (isSnapshot.value) Some("snapshots" at jfrog + "snapshots;build.timestamp=" + new java.util.Date().getTime) else Some("releases" at jfrog + "releases") } ) private def setVersionOnly(selectVersion: Versions => String): ReleaseStep = { st: State => val vs = st .get(ReleaseKeys.versions) .getOrElse(sys.error("No versions are set! Was this release part executed before inquireVersions?")) val selected = selectVersion(vs)"Setting version to '%s'." format selected) val useGlobal = Project.extract(st).get(releaseUseGlobalVersion) reapply(Seq( if (useGlobal) version in ThisBuild := selected else version := selected ), st) } lazy val setReleaseVersion: ReleaseStep = setVersionOnly(_._1) // Remove the prompt for next version lazy val inquireVersions: ReleaseStep = { st: State => val extracted = Project.extract(st) val useDefs = st.get(useDefaults).getOrElse(false) val currentV = extracted.get(version) val (_, releaseFunc) = extracted.runTask(releaseVersion, st) val suggestedReleaseV = releaseFunc(currentV) // flatten the Option[Option[String]] as the get returns an Option, and the value inside is an Option val releaseV = readVersion(suggestedReleaseV, "Release version [%s] : ", useDefs, st.get(commandLineReleaseVersion).flatten) val nextV = releaseV st.put(versions, (releaseV, nextV)) } def ServiceReleaseProcess = { Seq[ReleaseStep]( checkSnapshotDependencies, inquireVersions, runTest, recordReleaseVersion, // set release version and persistent in version.sbt commitReleaseVersion, // performs the initial git checks tagRelease, pushChanges // also checks that an upstream branch is properly configured ) } def LibraryReleaseProcess = { Seq[ReleaseStep]( checkSnapshotDependencies, inquireVersions, setReleaseVersion, runTest, tagRelease, publishArtifacts, pushChanges // also checks that an upstream branch is properly configured ) } def releaseSettings(releaseProcessSteps: Seq[ReleaseStep]): Seq[Setting[_]] = { val showReleaseVersion = taskKey[String]("the future version once releaseNextVersion has been applied to it") Seq( releaseCrossBuild := true, releaseIgnoreUntrackedFiles := true, // Check for details releaseVersionBump := sbtrelease.Version.Bump.Bugfix, releaseVersion := { case ver @ snapshotVersion if snapshotVersion.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") => Version(ver).map(_.withoutQualifier.string).getOrElse(versionFormatError) case ver => Version(ver).map(_.bumpBugfix.withoutQualifier.string).getOrElse(versionFormatError) }, showReleaseVersion := { releaseVersion.value(version.value) }, releaseProcess := releaseProcessSteps ) } implicit class driverConfigurations(project: Project) { def gitPluginConfiguration: Project = { val VersionRegex = "v([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)-?(.*)?".r project .enablePlugins(GitVersioning, GitBranchPrompt) .settings( git.useGitDescribe := true, git.baseVersion := "0.0.0", git.gitTagToVersionNumber := { case VersionRegex(v, "SNAPSHOT") => // There are not committed changes at tagged commit val ver = Version(v) .map(_.withoutQualifier) .map(_.bump(sbtrelease.Version.Bump.Bugfix).string) .getOrElse(versionFormatError) Some(s"$ver-SNAPSHOT") case VersionRegex(v, "") => Some(v) case VersionRegex(v, s) => // Commit is ahead of the last tagged commit val ver = Version(v) .map(_.withoutQualifier) .map(_.bump(sbtrelease.Version.Bump.Bugfix).string) .getOrElse(versionFormatError) Some(s"$ver-$s-SNAPSHOT") case _ => None } ) } def buildInfoConfiguration(packageName: String = "xyz.driver"): Project = { project .enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin) .settings( buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](name, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion, git.gitHeadCommit), buildInfoPackage := packageName, buildInfoOptions += BuildInfoOption.BuildTime ) } def packagingConfiguration: Project = { project .settings( // for assembly plugin test in assembly := {}, assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := { case PathList("org", "slf4j", "impl", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.first case "logback.xml" => MergeStrategy.first case strategy: String => val oldStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value oldStrategy(strategy) } ) } def dockerConfiguration(imageName: String, repository: String, exposedPorts: Seq[Int], baseImage: String = "java:8", customCommands: List[String] = List.empty[String], aggregateSubprojects: Boolean = false): Project = { import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._ project .enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging) .settings( // Settings reference packageName in Docker := imageName, version in Docker := version.value.stripSuffix("-SNAPSHOT"), dockerRepository := Some(repository), maintainer := "Driver Inc. ", dockerUpdateLatest := true, // to automatic update the latest tag dockerExposedPorts := exposedPorts, dockerBaseImage := baseImage, daemonUser in Docker := "root", dockerCommands := dockerCommands.value .flatMap { // @see case cmd @ Cmd("FROM", _) => cmd :: => Cmd("RUN", customCommand)) case other => List(other) }, aggregate in Docker := aggregateSubprojects // to include subprojects ) // And then you can run "sbt docker:publish" } def deploymentConfiguration(imageName: String, exposedPorts: Seq[Int] = Seq(8080), clusterName: String = "sand-uw1a-1", clusterZone: String = "us-west1-a", gCloudProject: String = "driverinc-sandbox", baseImage: String = "java:8", dockerCustomCommands: List[String] = List.empty[String], aggregateSubprojects: Boolean = false) = { val repositoryName = "" + gCloudProject val keytoolCommand = "keytool -import -alias driverincInternal -cacerts " + s"-file /etc/$imageName/ssl/issuing_ca -storepass changeit -noprompt || exit 1" // If issuing_ca exists, import it into the internal default ca store val importTrustStoreCommand = s"if [ -f /etc/$imageName/ssl/issuing_ca ] ; then " + keytoolCommand + "; else echo \"No truststore customization.\"; fi" val dockerCommands = dockerCustomCommands // :+ importTrustStoreCommand val allExposedPorts = exposedPorts ++ Seq(JMX_PORT) dockerConfiguration(imageName, repositoryName, allExposedPorts, baseImage, dockerCommands, aggregateSubprojects) .settings(NativePackagerKeys.bashScriptExtraDefines += importTrustStoreCommand) .settings(NativePackagerKeys.bashScriptExtraDefines ++= Seq( """addJava """"", s"""addJava "$JMX_PORT"""", """addJava """"", """addJava """"", """addJava """"" )) } def driverLibrary(libraryName: String): Project = { project .settings(name := libraryName) .gitPluginConfiguration .settings(repositoriesSettings ++ publicationSettings ++ releaseSettings(LibraryReleaseProcess)) } def driverService(appName: String, exposedPorts: Seq[Int] = Seq(8080), clusterName: String = "sand-uw1a-1", clusterZone: String = "us-west1-a", gCloudProject: String = "driverinc-sandbox", baseImage: String = "openjdk:11", dockerCustomCommands: List[String] = List.empty[String], aggregateSubprojects: Boolean = false): Project = { project .settings(name := appName) .settings(repositoriesSettings ++ releaseSettings(ServiceReleaseProcess)) .buildInfoConfiguration() .deploymentConfiguration(appName, exposedPorts, clusterName, clusterZone, gCloudProject, baseImage, dockerCustomCommands, aggregateSubprojects) } } } val scalacDefaultOptions = Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature", "-Xlint", "-encoding", "utf8") val scalacLanguageFeatures = Seq( "-language:higherKinds", "-language:implicitConversions", "-language:postfixOps", "-language:reflectiveCalls" ) override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( organization := "xyz.driver", crossScalaVersions := List("2.12.6"), scalaVersion := crossScalaVersions.value.last, scalacOptions := (scalacDefaultOptions ++ scalacLanguageFeatures), scalacOptions in (Compile, console) := (scalacDefaultOptions ++ scalacLanguageFeatures), scalacOptions in (Compile, consoleQuick) := (scalacDefaultOptions ++ scalacLanguageFeatures), scalacOptions in (Compile, consoleProject) := (scalacDefaultOptions ++ scalacLanguageFeatures), version := { // Sbt release versioning based on git given double -SNAPSHOT suffix // if current commit is not tagged AND there are uncommitted changes (e.g., some file is modified), // this setting fixes that, by just removing double -SNAPSHOT if it happened somehow Option(version.value).map(vv => vv.replaceAll("-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT", "-SNAPSHOT")).getOrElse("0.0.0") }, fork := true ) }