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Magnolia integrates with spray seamlessly, to such a point that a single contents of [DerivedFormats.scala](src/main/scala/DerivedFormats.scala) provide almost all functionality. ## Getting Started Spray JSON Format Derivation is published to maven central as a Scala library (for Scala version 2.12 and 2.11, support for ScalaJS and Scala Native is pending). Include it in sbt by adding the following snippet to your build.sbt: ```scala libraryDependencies += "xyz.driver" %% "spray-json-derivation" % "" ``` ### Basic Usage Define some case classes and mix `DerivedFormats` into your JSON protocol stack. Formats can now be summoned with the `jsonFormat[A]` helper method. E.g. ```scala import spray.json._ // case classes case class A(x: Int) case class B(a: A, str: String) // sealed traits sealed trait X case class Y(x: Int) extends X case class Z(y: Y, str: String) extends X object MyProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with DerivedFormats { implicit val bFormat: RootJsonFormat[B] = jsonFormat[B] // [1] implicit val xFormat: RootJsonFormat[X] = jsonFormat[X] } // [1]: Note that no format was specified for A, although B contains an A. // In general, formats of children are not required to be defined // explicitly if the child is itself a case class. However they can still // be overriden if desired. object Main extends App { import MyProtocol._ println(B(A(42), "hello world").toJson.prettyPrint) // { // "a": { // "x": 42 // }, // "str": "hello world" // } println(Seq[X](Z(Y(42), "foo"), Y(2)).toJson.prettyPrint) // [{ // "type": "Z", // "y": { // "x": 42 // }, // "str": "foo" // }, { // "type": "Y", // "x": 2 // }] } ``` ### Error Handling In case a format cannot be derived, e.g. if a child is not a case class and does not have a format available, Magnolia will report a detailed stack trace about which format could not be found. This is most useful for deeply nested structures, where Scala's conventional implicit lookup would simply fail without giving a detailed error message. For example: ```scala import spray.json._ class X() // note that X is not a case class, hence a format cannot be derived case class Y(x: X) case class Z(y: Y, w: Int) object MyProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with DerivedFormats { implicit val fmt: RootJsonFormat[Z] = jsonFormat[Z] } // magnolia: could not find JsonFormat.Typeclass for type ProductTypeFormatTests.this.X // in parameter 'x' of product type ProductTypeFormatTests.this.Y // in parameter 'y' of product type ProductTypeFormatTests.this.Z // implicit val fmt: RootJsonFormat[Z] = jsonFormat[Z] ``` ### Implicit Derived Formats It is also possible to summon derived formats implicitly by mixing in `ImplicitDerivedFormats`instead of `DerivedFormats`. This makes it possible to use derived formats without explicitly creating them first: ```scala import spray.json._ object Main extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol with ImplicitDerivedFormats { case class A(x: Int) case class B(a: A, str: String) println(B(A(42), "hello world").toJson.prettyPrint) ``` Although this variant of using the library provides the most power and requires the least amount of boilerplate, it does come with a couple of drawbacks to consider: 1. Error handling falls back to the standard implicit lookup mechanism. Magnolia does no longer show a stack trace if a child format cannot be found. 2. Macros that enable format derivation are expanded at every call site. In other words, the compiler will try to create JSON formats at every point where an implicit `RootJsonFormat` is required for a case class. This can increase compile times and binary size if formats are required in many locations. ## Documentation Check out the main file [DerivedFormats.scala](src/main/scala/DerivedFormats.scala) and the [test suite](src/test/scala/ProductTypeFormatTests.scala) for a complete overview of the project. ## Development This project uses sbt. It is set up to auto-release when a tag is pushed to the main repository. ## Copying Copyright 2018 Driver Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.