package xyz.driver.json import magnolia._ import spray.json._ import scala.language.experimental.macros /** Mixin that enables automatic derivation of JSON formats for any product * (case classes) or coproduct (sealed traits) types. */ trait DerivedFormats { self: BasicFormats => type Typeclass[T] = JsonFormat[T] def combine[T](ctx: CaseClass[JsonFormat, T]): JsonFormat[T] = new JsonFormat[T] { override def write(value: T): JsValue = if (ctx.isObject) { JsString(ctx.typeName.short) } else { val fields: Seq[(String, JsValue)] = { param => param.label -> param.typeclass.write(param.dereference(value)) } JsObject(fields: _*) } override def read(value: JsValue): T = value match { case obj: JsObject => ctx.construct { param => } case JsString(str) if ctx.isObject && str == ctx.typeName.short => ctx.rawConstruct(Seq.empty) case js => deserializationError( s"Cannot read JSON '$js' as a ${ctx.typeName.full}") } } def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[JsonFormat, T]): JsonFormat[T] = { val typeFieldName = ctx.annotations .collectFirst { case g: gadt => g.typeFieldName } .getOrElse("type") new JsonFormat[T] { override def write(value: T): JsValue = ctx.dispatch(value) { sub => sub.typeclass.write(sub.cast(value)) match { case obj: JsObject => JsObject( (Map(typeFieldName -> JsString(sub.typeName.short)) ++ obj.fields).toSeq: _*) case js => js } } override def read(js: JsValue): T = { val typeName: String = js match { case obj: JsObject if obj.fields.contains(typeFieldName) => obj.fields(typeFieldName).convertTo[String] case JsString(str) => str case _ => deserializationError( s"Cannot deserialize JSON to ${ctx.typeName.full} " + "because serialized type cannot be determined.") } ctx.subtypes.find(_.typeName.short == typeName) match { case Some(tpe) => case None => deserializationError( s"Cannot deserialize JSON to ${ctx.typeName.full} " + s"because type '${typeName}' is unsupported.") } } } } implicit def gen[T]: JsonFormat[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } object DerivedFormats extends DerivedFormats with BasicFormats