package xyz.driver.json import spray.json._ import org.scalatest._ class ProductTypeFormats extends FlatSpec with FormatTests with DerivedFormats with DefaultJsonProtocol { case class A() case class B(x: Int, b: String, mp: Map[String, Int]) case class C(b: B) case object D case class E(d: D.type) case class F(x: Int) "No-parameter product" should behave like checkCoherence(A(), "{}") "Simple parameter product" should behave like checkCoherence( B(42, "Hello World", Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> -1024)), """{ "x": 42, "b": "Hello World", "mp": { "a": 1, "b": -1024 } }""" ) "Nested parameter product" should behave like checkCoherence( C(B(42, "Hello World", Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> -1024))), """{"b" :{ "x": 42, "b": "Hello World", "mp": { "a": 1, "b": -1024 } } }""" ) "Case object" should behave like checkCoherence( D, """"D"""" ) "Case object as parameter" should behave like checkCoherence( E(D), """{"d":"D"}""" ) // custom format for F, that inverts the value of parameter x implicit val fFormat: JsonFormat[F] = new JsonFormat[F] { override def write(f: F): JsValue = JsObject("x" -> JsNumber(-f.x)) override def read(js: JsValue): F = F(-js.asJsObject.fields("x").convertTo[Int]) } "Overriding with a custom format" should behave like checkCoherence( F(2), """{"x":-2}""" ) }