# ================================== # # Kamon-Akka Reference Configuration # # ================================== # kamon { akka { # If ask-pattern-timeout-warning is enabled, a WARN level log message will be generated if a future generated by the `ask` # pattern fails with a `AskTimeoutException` and the log message will contain information depending of the strategy selected. # strategies: # - off: nothing to do. # - lightweight: logs the warning when a timeout is reached using org.aspectj.lang.reflect.SourceLocation. # - heavyweight: logs the warning when a timeout is reached using a stack trace captured at the moment the future was created. ask-pattern-timeout-warning = off # Default dispatcher for all akka module operations dispatcher = ${kamon.default-dispatcher} } metrics.precision { actor { processing-time = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision} time-in-mailbox = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision} mailbox-size = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-min-max-counter-precision} } router { routing-time = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision} processing-time = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision} time-in-mailbox = ${kamon.metrics.precision.default-histogram-precision} } dispatcher { maximum-pool-size { highest-trackable-value = 999999999 significant-value-digits = 2 } running-thread-count { highest-trackable-value = 999999999 significant-value-digits = 2 } queued-task-count { highest-trackable-value = 999999999 significant-value-digits = 2 } pool-size { highest-trackable-value = 999999999 significant-value-digits = 2 } } } }