/* ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.autoweave.loader import java.io.{File, FileOutputStream, InputStream} import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory import java.lang.reflect.Constructor import java.util import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name import java.util.jar.{JarEntry, JarOutputStream, Manifest} import com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider import com.sun.tools.attach.{VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineDescriptor} import kamon.autoweave.loader.resolver.OsResolver._ import sun.tools.attach._ import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object AgentLoader { /** * Gets the current JVM PID * * @return Returns the PID */ private def getPidFromRuntimeMBean: String = { val jvm = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName val pid = jvm.substring(0, jvm.indexOf('@')) pid } /** * Loads an agent into a JVM. * * @param agent The main agent class. * @param resources Array of classes to be included with agent. */ def attachAgentToJVM(agent: Class[_], resources: Seq[Class[_]] = Seq.empty): Unit = { val vm = attachToRunningJVM() vm.loadAgent(generateAgentJar(agent, resources).getAbsolutePath) vm.detach() } /** * Java variant * * @param agent */ def attachAgentToJVM(agent: Class[_]): Unit = attachAgentToJVM(agent, Seq.empty) /** * Generates a temporary agent file to be loaded. * * @param agent The main agent class. * @param resources Array of classes to be included with agent. * @return Returns a temporary jar file with the specified classes included. */ private def generateAgentJar(agent: Class[_], resources: Seq[Class[_]]): File = { val jarFile = File.createTempFile("agent", ".jar") jarFile.deleteOnExit() val manifest = new Manifest() val mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes // Create manifest stating that agent is allowed to transform classes mainAttributes.put(Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0") mainAttributes.put(new Name("Agent-Class"), agent.getName) mainAttributes.put(new Name("Can-Retransform-Classes"), "true") mainAttributes.put(new Name("Can-Redefine-Classes"), "true") val jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile), manifest) jos.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(agent.getName.replace('.', '/') + ".class")) jos.write(getBytesFromStream(agent.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(unqualify(agent)))) jos.closeEntry() for (clazz ← resources) { val name = unqualify(clazz) jos.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(name)) jos.write(getBytesFromStream(clazz.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(name))) jos.closeEntry() } jos.close() jarFile } /** * Gets bytes from InputStream. * * @param stream * The InputStream. * @return * Returns a byte[] representation of given stream. */ private def getBytesFromStream(stream: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { Stream.continually(stream.read).takeWhile(_ != -1).map(_.toByte).toArray } private def unqualify(clazz: Class[_]): String = clazz.getName.replace('.', '/') + ".class" /** * Gets the current HotSpotVirtualMachine implementation otherwise a failure. * * @return * Returns the HotSpotVirtualMachine implementation of the running JVM. */ private def findVirtualMachineImplementation(): Try[Class[_ <: HotSpotVirtualMachine]] = currentOs match { case Windows(_, _, _) ⇒ Success(classOf[WindowsVirtualMachine]) case Mac(_, _, _) ⇒ Success(classOf[BsdVirtualMachine]) case Solaris(_, _, _) ⇒ Success(classOf[SolarisVirtualMachine]) case Linux(_, _, _) ⇒ Success(classOf[LinuxVirtualMachine]) case UnknownOs(name, arch, version) ⇒ Failure(new RuntimeException(s"Cannot use Attach API on unknown OS: $name Arch: $arch Version: $version") with NoStackTrace) } /** * Attach to the running JVM. * * @return * Returns the attached VirtualMachine */ private def attachToRunningJVM(): VirtualMachine = { val AttachProvider = new AttachProvider() { override def name(): String = null override def `type`(): String = null override def attachVirtualMachine(id: String): VirtualMachine = null override def listVirtualMachines(): util.List[VirtualMachineDescriptor] = null } findVirtualMachineImplementation() match { case Success(vmClass) ⇒ val pid = getPidFromRuntimeMBean // This is only done with Reflection to avoid the JVM pre-loading all the XyzVirtualMachine classes. val newVM = vmConstructor(vmClass).newInstance(AttachProvider, pid) newVM.asInstanceOf[VirtualMachine] case Failure(reason) ⇒ throw reason } } /** * Why this dirty method? For some reason `BsdVirtualMachine` for MacOS doesn't return the public constructors when * the `getConstructor` is invoked via reflection, however `getDeclaredConstructors` works properly (this constructor * should marked as public then). Probably this thing could be a bug in the JDK, pending to raise an issue there. * * @param vmClass * @return */ private def vmConstructor(vmClass: Class[_ <: HotSpotVirtualMachine]): Constructor[_] = { currentOs match { case Mac(_, _, _) ⇒ val vmC = vmClass.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[AttachProvider], classOf[String]) vmC.setAccessible(true) vmC case _ ⇒ vmClass.getConstructor(classOf[AttachProvider], classOf[String]) } } } package object resolver { /* OS RESOLVERS */ private[loader] object OsResolver { private[resolver] trait OsIdentifiable { def name: String def arch: String def version: String } private[loader] case class Windows(name: String, arch: String, version: String) extends OsIdentifiable private[loader] case class Mac(name: String, arch: String, version: String) extends OsIdentifiable private[loader] case class Solaris(name: String, arch: String, version: String) extends OsIdentifiable private[loader] case class Linux(name: String, arch: String, version: String) extends OsIdentifiable private[loader] case class UnknownOs(name: String, arch: String, version: String) extends OsIdentifiable private[resolver] val osName = System.getProperty("os.name") private[resolver] val osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch") private[resolver] val osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version") private[this] val defaultWindowsName = "Windows" private[this] val defaultMacName = "Mac OS X" private[this] val defaultSolarisName = "Solaris" private[this] val defaultLinuxName = "Linux" private[this] val defaultLinuxUpperCaseName = defaultLinuxName.toUpperCase /** * Resolver OS based on java properties. */ val currentOs: OsIdentifiable = osName match { case os if os.startsWith(defaultWindowsName) ⇒ Windows(os, osArch, osVersion) case os if os.startsWith(defaultMacName) ⇒ Mac(os, osArch, osVersion) case os if os.startsWith(defaultSolarisName) ⇒ Solaris(os, osArch, osVersion) case os if os.startsWith(defaultLinuxName) || os.startsWith(defaultLinuxUpperCaseName) ⇒ Linux(os, osArch, osVersion) case other ⇒ UnknownOs(other, osArch, osVersion) } } /* OS RESOLVERS */ }