package kamon import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class UtilsOnConfigSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ | kamon.test { | configuration-one { | setting = value | other-setting = other-value | } | | "config.two" { | setting = value | } | } """.stripMargin ) "the utils on config syntax" should { "list all top level keys with a configuration" in { config.getConfig("kamon.test").topLevelKeys should contain only("configuration-one", "config.two") } "create a map from top level keys to the inner configuration objects"in { val extractedConfigurations = config.getConfig("kamon.test").configurations extractedConfigurations.keys should contain only("configuration-one", "config.two") extractedConfigurations("configuration-one").topLevelKeys should contain only("setting", "other-setting") extractedConfigurations("config.two").topLevelKeys should contain only("setting") } } }