/* ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2017 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.trace import java.time.Instant import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import kamon.Kamon import kamon.context.Context import kamon.testkit.{SpanBuilding, SpanInspection} import kamon.trace.Span.TagValue import kamon.trace.SpanContext.SamplingDecision import org.scalatest.{Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpec} class TracerSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with SpanBuilding with SpanInspection with OptionValues { "the Kamon tracer" should { "construct a minimal Span that only has a operation name" in { val span = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation").start() val spanData = inspect(span) spanData.operationName() shouldBe "myOperation" spanData.metricTags() shouldBe empty spanData.spanTags() shouldBe empty } "pass the operation name and tags to started Span" in { val span = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation") .withMetricTag("metric-tag", "value") .withMetricTag("metric-tag", "value") .withTag("hello", "world") .withTag("kamon", "rulez") .withTag("number", 123) .withTag("boolean", true) .start() val spanData = inspect(span) spanData.operationName() shouldBe "myOperation" spanData.metricTags() should contain only ( ("metric-tag" -> "value")) spanData.spanTags() should contain allOf( ("hello" -> TagValue.String("world")), ("kamon" -> TagValue.String("rulez")), ("number" -> TagValue.Number(123)), ("boolean" -> TagValue.True)) } "not have any parent Span if there is no Span in the current context and no parent was explicitly given" in { val span = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation").start() val spanData = inspect(span) spanData.context().parentID shouldBe IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier } "automatically take the Span from the current Context as parent" in { val parent = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation").start() val child = Kamon.withSpan(parent) { Kamon.buildSpan("childOperation").asChildOf(parent).start() } val parentData = inspect(parent) val childData = inspect(child) parentData.context().spanID shouldBe childData.context().parentID } "ignore the span from the current context as parent if explicitly requested" in { val parent = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation").start() val child = Kamon.withSpan(parent) { Kamon.buildSpan("childOperation").ignoreParentFromContext().start() } val childData = inspect(child) childData.context().parentID shouldBe IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier } "allow overriding the start timestamp for a Span" in { val span = Kamon.buildSpan("myOperation").withFrom(Instant.EPOCH.plusMillis(321)).start() val spanData = inspect(span) spanData.from() shouldBe Instant.EPOCH.plusMillis(321) } "preserve the same Span and Parent identifier when creating a Span with a remote parent if join-remote-parents-with-same-span-id is enabled" in { val previousConfig = Kamon.config() Kamon.reconfigure { ConfigFactory.parseString("kamon.trace.join-remote-parents-with-same-span-id = yes") .withFallback(Kamon.config()) } val remoteParent = Span.Remote(createSpanContext()) val childData = inspect(Kamon.buildSpan("local").asChildOf(remoteParent).start()) childData.context().traceID shouldBe remoteParent.context.traceID childData.context().parentID shouldBe remoteParent.context.parentID childData.context().spanID shouldBe remoteParent.context.spanID Kamon.reconfigure(previousConfig) } "propagate sampling decisions from parent to child spans, if the decision is known" in { val sampledRemoteParent = Span.Remote(createSpanContext().copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.Sample)) val notSampledRemoteParent = Span.Remote(createSpanContext().copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.DoNotSample)) Kamon.buildSpan("childOfSampled").asChildOf(sampledRemoteParent).start().context() .samplingDecision shouldBe(SamplingDecision.Sample) Kamon.buildSpan("childOfNotSampled").asChildOf(notSampledRemoteParent).start().context() .samplingDecision shouldBe(SamplingDecision.DoNotSample) } "take a sampling decision if the parent's decision is unknown" in { val previousConfig = Kamon.config() Kamon.reconfigure { ConfigFactory.parseString("kamon.trace.sampler = always") .withFallback(Kamon.config()) } val unknownSamplingRemoteParent = Span.Remote(createSpanContext().copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.Unknown)) Kamon.buildSpan("childOfSampled").asChildOf(unknownSamplingRemoteParent).start().context() .samplingDecision shouldBe(SamplingDecision.Sample) Kamon.reconfigure(previousConfig) } } }