/* * ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.metric import com.typesafe.config.Config import kamon.metric.instrument._ import kamon.util.GlobPathFilter import kamon.util.RegexNameFilter import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration /** * Configuration settings for the Metrics extension, as read from the `kamon.metric` configuration key. */ case class MetricsSettings( tickInterval: FiniteDuration, defaultCollectionContextBufferSize: Int, trackUnmatchedEntities: Boolean, entityFilters: Map[String, EntityFilter], instrumentFactories: Map[String, InstrumentFactory], defaultInstrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory, refreshScheduler: RefreshScheduler ) { private[kamon] def pointScheduler(targetScheduler: RefreshScheduler): Unit = refreshScheduler match { case lrs: LazyRefreshScheduler ⇒ lrs.point(targetScheduler) case others ⇒ } } /** * */ case class EntityFilter(includes: List[NameFilter], excludes: List[NameFilter]) { def accept(name: String): Boolean = includes.exists(_.accept(name)) && !excludes.exists(_.accept(name)) } object MetricsSettings { import kamon.util.ConfigTools.Syntax def apply(config: Config): MetricsSettings = { val metricConfig = config.getConfig("kamon.metric") val tickInterval = metricConfig.getFiniteDuration("tick-interval") val collectBufferSize = metricConfig.getInt("default-collection-context-buffer-size") val trackUnmatchedEntities = metricConfig.getBoolean("track-unmatched-entities") val entityFilters = loadFilters(metricConfig.getConfig("filters")) val defaultInstrumentSettings = DefaultInstrumentSettings.fromConfig(metricConfig.getConfig("default-instrument-settings")) val refreshScheduler = new LazyRefreshScheduler val instrumentFactories = loadInstrumentFactories(metricConfig.getConfig("instrument-settings"), defaultInstrumentSettings, refreshScheduler) val defaultInstrumentFactory = new InstrumentFactory(Map.empty, defaultInstrumentSettings, refreshScheduler) MetricsSettings(tickInterval, collectBufferSize, trackUnmatchedEntities, entityFilters, instrumentFactories, defaultInstrumentFactory, refreshScheduler) } /** * Load all the default filters configured under the `kamon.metric.filters` configuration key. All filters are * defined with the entity category as a sub-key of the `kamon.metric.filters` key and two sub-keys to it: includes * and excludes with lists of string glob or regex patterns as values ('asRegex' defaults to false). Example: * * {{{ * * kamon.metrics.filters { * actor { * includes = ["user/test-actor", "user/service/worker-*"] * excludes = ["user/IO-*"] * asRegex = false * } * } * * }}} * * @return a Map from category name to corresponding entity filter. */ def loadFilters(filtersConfig: Config): Map[String, EntityFilter] = { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ filtersConfig.firstLevelKeys map { category: String ⇒ val asRegex = if (filtersConfig.hasPath(s"$category.asRegex")) filtersConfig.getBoolean(s"$category.asRegex") else false val includes = filtersConfig.getStringList(s"$category.includes").asScala.map(inc ⇒ if (asRegex) RegexPathFilter(inc) else new GlobPathFilter(inc)).toList val excludes = filtersConfig.getStringList(s"$category.excludes").asScala.map(exc ⇒ if (asRegex) RegexPathFilter(exc) else new GlobPathFilter(exc)).toList (category, EntityFilter(includes, excludes)) } toMap } /** * Load any custom configuration settings defined under the `kamon.metric.instrument-settings` configuration key and * create InstrumentFactories for them. * * @return a Map from category name to InstrumentFactory. */ def loadInstrumentFactories(instrumentSettings: Config, defaults: DefaultInstrumentSettings, refreshScheduler: RefreshScheduler): Map[String, InstrumentFactory] = { instrumentSettings.firstLevelKeys.map { category ⇒ val categoryConfig = instrumentSettings.getConfig(category) val customSettings = categoryConfig.firstLevelKeys.map { instrumentName ⇒ (instrumentName, InstrumentCustomSettings.fromConfig(categoryConfig.getConfig(instrumentName))) } toMap (category, new InstrumentFactory(customSettings, defaults, refreshScheduler)) } toMap } }