/* * ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.metric.instrument import kamon.metric.instrument.UnitOfMeasurement.Unknown import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class UnitOfMeasurementSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { "Time unit" should { "resolve Time Unit by valid name" in { Time("s") should be(Time.Seconds) Time("n") should be(Time.Nanoseconds) Time("ms") should be(Time.Milliseconds) Time("µs") should be(Time.Microseconds) } "fail to resolve Time Unit by invalid name" in { val ex = intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time("boo")) ex.getMessage should be("Can't recognize time unit 'boo'") } "scale time properly" in { val epsilon = 0.0001 Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Nanoseconds)(1000000D) should be(1000000D +- epsilon) Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Microseconds)(1000000D) should be(1000D +- epsilon) Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Milliseconds)(1000000D) should be(1D +- epsilon) Time.Nanoseconds.scale(Time.Seconds)(1000000D) should be(0.001D +- epsilon) Time.Seconds.scale(Time.Nanoseconds)(1D) should be(1000000000D +- epsilon) } "allow scale only time" in { intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Unknown)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `time` and `unknown`") intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `time` and `bytes`") val epsilon = 0.0001 Time.Nanoseconds.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100D) should be(100D +- epsilon) } } "Memory unit" should { "resolve Memory Unit by valid name" in { Memory("b") should be(Memory.Bytes) Memory("Kb") should be(Memory.KiloBytes) Memory("Mb") should be(Memory.MegaBytes) Memory("Gb") should be(Memory.GigaBytes) } "fail to resolve Memory Unit by invalid name" in { val ex = intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory("boo")) ex.getMessage should be("Can't recognize memory unit 'boo'") } "scale memory properly" in { val epsilon = 0.0001 Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.Bytes)(1000000D) should be(1000000D +- epsilon) Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.KiloBytes)(1000000D) should be(976.5625D +- epsilon) Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.MegaBytes)(1000000D) should be(0.9536D +- epsilon) Memory.Bytes.scale(Memory.GigaBytes)(1000000D) should be(9.3132E-4D +- epsilon) Memory.MegaBytes.scale(Memory.Bytes)(1D) should be(1048576D +- epsilon) } "allow scale only memory" in { intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Unknown)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `bytes` and `unknown`") intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `bytes` and `time`") val epsilon = 0.0001 Memory.Bytes.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100D) should be(100D +- epsilon) } } "Unknown unit" should { "allow scale only Unknown" in { intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Unknown.tryScale(Memory.Bytes)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `unknown` and `bytes`") intercept[IllegalArgumentException](Unknown.tryScale(Time.Nanoseconds)(100)) .getMessage should be("Can't scale different types of units `unknown` and `time`") Unknown.scale(Unknown)(100D) should be(100D) } } }