kamon { metrics { tick-interval = 1 second filters = [ { actor { includes = [] excludes = [ "system/*", "user/IO-*" ] } }, { trace { includes = [ "*" ] excludes = [] } }, { dispatcher { includes = [ "default-dispatcher" ] excludes = [] } } ] precision { actor { processing-time { highest-trackable-value = 3600000000000 significant-value-digits = 2 } time-in-mailbox { highest-trackable-value = 3600000000000 significant-value-digits = 2 } mailbox-size { highest-trackable-value = 999999999 significant-value-digits = 2 } } trace { elapsed-time { highest-trackable-value = 3600000000000 significant-value-digits = 2 } segment { highest-trackable-value = 3600000000000 significant-value-digits = 2 } } } } trace { # If ask-pattern-tracing is enabled, a WARN level log message will be generated if a future generated by the `ask` # pattern fails with a `AskTimeoutException` and the log message will contain a stack trace captured at the moment # the future was created. ask-pattern-tracing = off } weaver { showWeaveInfo = off verbose = off debug = off showWarn = off } }