/* ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2017 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon import java.time.Duration import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledExecutorService, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor} import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import kamon.context.{Codecs, Context, Key, Storage} import kamon.metric._ import kamon.trace._ import kamon.util.{Clock, Filters, Matcher, Registration} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try object Kamon extends MetricLookup with ReporterRegistry with Tracer { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("kamon.Kamon") @volatile private var _config = ConfigFactory.load() @volatile private var _environment = Environment.fromConfig(_config) @volatile private var _filters = Filters.fromConfig(_config) private val _clock = new Clock.Default() private val _scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(schedulerPoolSize(_config), numberedThreadFactory("kamon-scheduler")) private val _metrics = new MetricRegistry(_config, _scheduler) private val _reporterRegistry = new ReporterRegistry.Default(_metrics, _config, _clock) private val _tracer = Tracer.Default(Kamon, _reporterRegistry, _config, _clock) private val _contextStorage = Storage.ThreadLocal() private val _contextCodec = new Codecs(_config) private var _onReconfigureHooks = Seq.empty[OnReconfigureHook] sys.addShutdownHook(() => _scheduler.shutdown()) def environment: Environment = _environment def config(): Config = _config def reconfigure(config: Config): Unit = synchronized { _config = config _environment = Environment.fromConfig(config) _filters = Filters.fromConfig(config) _metrics.reconfigure(config) _reporterRegistry.reconfigure(config) _tracer.reconfigure(config) _contextCodec.reconfigure(config) _onReconfigureHooks.foreach(hook => { Try(hook.onReconfigure(config)).failed.foreach(error => logger.error("Exception occurred while trying to run a OnReconfigureHook", error) ) }) _scheduler match { case stpe: ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor => stpe.setCorePoolSize(schedulerPoolSize(config)) case other => logger.error("Unexpected scheduler [{}] found when reconfiguring Kamon.", other) } } override def histogram(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: Option[DynamicRange]): HistogramMetric = _metrics.histogram(name, unit, dynamicRange) override def counter(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): CounterMetric = _metrics.counter(name, unit) override def gauge(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): GaugeMetric = _metrics.gauge(name, unit) override def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, sampleInterval: Option[Duration], dynamicRange: Option[DynamicRange]): RangeSamplerMetric = _metrics.rangeSampler(name, unit, dynamicRange, sampleInterval) override def timer(name: String, dynamicRange: Option[DynamicRange]): TimerMetric = _metrics.timer(name, dynamicRange) def tracer: Tracer = _tracer override def buildSpan(operationName: String): Tracer.SpanBuilder = _tracer.buildSpan(operationName) override def identityProvider: IdentityProvider = _tracer.identityProvider def contextCodec(): Codecs = _contextCodec def currentContext(): Context = _contextStorage.current() def currentSpan(): Span = _contextStorage.current().get(Span.ContextKey) def storeContext(context: Context): Storage.Scope = _contextStorage.store(context) def withContext[T](context: Context)(f: => T): T = { val scope = _contextStorage.store(context) try { f } finally { scope.close() } } def withContextKey[T, K](key: Key[K], value: K)(f: => T): T = withContext(currentContext().withKey(key, value))(f) def withSpan[T](span: Span)(f: => T): T = withSpan(span, true)(f) def withSpan[T](span: Span, finishSpan: Boolean)(f: => T): T = { try { withContextKey(Span.ContextKey, span)(f) } catch { case t: Throwable => span.addError(t.getMessage, t) throw t } finally { if(finishSpan) span.finish() } } override def loadReportersFromConfig(): Unit = _reporterRegistry.loadReportersFromConfig() override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter): Registration = _reporterRegistry.addReporter(reporter) override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String): Registration = _reporterRegistry.addReporter(reporter, name) override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String, filter: String): Registration = _reporterRegistry.addReporter(reporter, name, filter) override def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter): Registration = _reporterRegistry.addReporter(reporter) override def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter, name: String): Registration = _reporterRegistry.addReporter(reporter, name) override def stopAllReporters(): Future[Unit] = _reporterRegistry.stopAllReporters() def filter(filterName: String, pattern: String): Boolean = _filters.accept(filterName, pattern) def filter(filterName: String): Matcher = _filters.get(filterName) def clock(): Clock = _clock /** * Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All * registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config). */ def onReconfigure(hook: OnReconfigureHook): Unit = synchronized { _onReconfigureHooks = hook +: _onReconfigureHooks } def scheduler(): ScheduledExecutorService = _scheduler private def schedulerPoolSize(config: Config): Int = config.getInt("kamon.scheduler-pool-size") } trait OnReconfigureHook { def onReconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit }