package kamon import com.typesafe.config.Config import kamon.metric.{MetricsSnapshot, PeriodSnapshot} import kamon.module.Module import kamon.util.Registration import kamon.module.{MetricReporter => NewMetricReporter} import kamon.module.{SpanReporter => NewSpanReporter} import kamon.module.Module.{Registration => NewRegistration} import kamon.trace.Span import scala.concurrent.Future @deprecated("Use kamon.module.Module instead", "1.2.0") sealed trait Reporter extends Module { } @deprecated("Use kamon.module.MetricReporter instead", "1.2.0") trait MetricReporter extends kamon.module.MetricReporter { } @deprecated("Use kamon.module.SpanReporter instead", "1.2.0") trait SpanReporter extends kamon.module.SpanReporter { } /** * Handles the lifecycle of all modules known by Kamon. The most common implementations of modules are metrics and * span reporters, but modules can be used to encapsulate any process that should be started automatically by Kamon and * stopped when all modules are stopped (usually during shutdown). * * Modules can be automatically discovered from the kamon.modules configuration key, using the following schema: * * kamon.modules { * module-name { * enabled = true * class = "com.example.MyModule" * } * } * */ trait ModuleLoading { self: ClassLoading with Configuration with Utilities with Metrics with Tracing => protected val _moduleRegistry = new Module.Registry(self, self, clock(), self.metricRegistry(), self.tracer()) self.onReconfigure(newConfig => self._moduleRegistry.reconfigure(newConfig)) /** * Register a module instantiated by the user. * * @param name Module name. Registration will fail if a module with the given name already exists. * @param module The module instance. * @return A Registration that can be used to de-register the module at any time. */ def registerModule(name: String, module: Module): NewRegistration = _moduleRegistry.register(name, module) /** * Loads modules from Kamon's configuration. */ def loadModules(): Unit = _moduleRegistry.load(self.config()) /** * Stops all registered modules. This includes automatically and programmatically registered modules. * * @return A future that completes when the stop callback on all available modules have been completed. */ def stopModules(): Future[Unit] = _moduleRegistry.stop() // Compatibility with Kamon <1.2.0 @deprecated("Use registerModule instead", "1.2.0") def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter): Registration = wrapRegistration(_moduleRegistry.register(reporter.getClass.getName(), wrapLegacyMetricReporter(reporter))) @deprecated("Use registerModule instead", "1.2.0") def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String): Registration = wrapRegistration(_moduleRegistry.register(name, wrapLegacyMetricReporter(reporter))) @deprecated("Use registerModule instead", "1.2.0") def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String, filter: String): Registration = wrapRegistration(_moduleRegistry.register(name, wrapLegacyMetricReporter(reporter, Some(filter)))) @deprecated("Use registerModule instead", "1.2.0") def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter): Registration = wrapRegistration(_moduleRegistry.register(reporter.getClass.getName(), wrapLegacySpanReporter(reporter))) @deprecated("Use registerModule instead", "1.2.0") def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter, name: String): Registration = wrapRegistration(_moduleRegistry.register(name, wrapLegacySpanReporter(reporter))) @deprecated("Use stopModules instead", "1.2.0") def stopAllReporters(): Future[Unit] = _moduleRegistry.stop() @deprecated("Use loadModules instead", "1.2.0") def loadReportersFromConfig(): Unit = loadModules() private def wrapRegistration(registration: NewRegistration): Registration = new Registration { override def cancel(): Boolean = { registration.cancel() true } } private def wrapLegacyMetricReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, filter: Option[String] = None): NewMetricReporter = new NewMetricReporter { override def reportPeriodSnapshot(snapshot: PeriodSnapshot): Unit = { val filteredSnapshot = filter .map(f => filterMetrics(f, snapshot)) .getOrElse(snapshot) reporter.reportPeriodSnapshot(filteredSnapshot) } private def filterMetrics(filterName: String, periodSnapshot: PeriodSnapshot): PeriodSnapshot = { val metricFilter = Kamon.filter(filterName) val counters = periodSnapshot.metrics.counters.filter(c => metricFilter.accept( val gauges = periodSnapshot.metrics.gauges.filter(g => metricFilter.accept( val histograms = periodSnapshot.metrics.histograms.filter(h => metricFilter.accept( val rangeSamplers = periodSnapshot.metrics.rangeSamplers.filter(rs => metricFilter.accept( periodSnapshot.copy(metrics = MetricsSnapshot( histograms, rangeSamplers, gauges, counters )) } override def start(): Unit = reporter.start() override def stop(): Unit = reporter.stop() override def reconfigure(config: Config): Unit = reporter.reconfigure(config) } private def wrapLegacySpanReporter(reporter: SpanReporter): NewSpanReporter = new NewSpanReporter { override def reportSpans(spans: Seq[Span.FinishedSpan]): Unit = reporter.reportSpans(spans) override def start(): Unit = reporter.start() override def stop(): Unit = reporter.stop() override def reconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit = reporter.reconfigure(newConfig) } }