package kamon import java.util.UUID import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import kamon.trace.UowTraceAggregator import scala.concurrent.duration._ import kamon.newrelic.NewRelicReporting import kamon.trace.UowTracing.Start // TODO: Decide if we need or not an ID, generating it takes time and it doesn't seem necessary. case class TraceContext(id: Long, tracer: ActorRef, uow: String = "", userContext: Option[Any] = None) object TraceContext { val reporter = Kamon.actorSystem.actorOf(Props[NewRelicReporting]) val traceIdCounter = new AtomicLong def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem) = { val n = traceIdCounter.incrementAndGet() val actor = system.actorOf(UowTraceAggregator.props(reporter, 30 seconds), s"tracer-${n}") actor ! Start() new TraceContext(n, actor) // TODO: Move to a kamon specific supervisor, like /user/kamon/tracer } } class TraceAccumulator extends Actor { def receive = { case a => println("Trace Accumulated: "+a) } } trait TraceEntry case class CodeBlockExecutionTime(name: String, begin: Long, end: Long) extends TraceEntry case class TransactionTrace(id: UUID, start: Long, end: Long, entries: Seq[TraceEntry]) object Collector trait TraceEntryStorage { def store(entry: TraceEntry): Boolean } class TransactionContext(val id: UUID, private val storage: TraceEntryStorage) { def store(entry: TraceEntry) = } object ThreadLocalTraceEntryStorage extends TraceEntryStorage { private val storage = new ThreadLocal[List[TraceEntry]] { override def initialValue(): List[TraceEntry] = Nil } def update(f: List[TraceEntry] => List[TraceEntry]) = storage set f(storage.get) def store(entry: TraceEntry): Boolean = { update(entry :: _) true } }