/* ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2017 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.metric import java.nio.ByteBuffer import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import kamon.util.MeasurementUnit import org.HdrHistogram.{AtomicHistogramExtension, ZigZag} trait Histogram { def dynamicRange: DynamicRange def measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit def record(value: Long): Unit def record(value: Long, times: Long): Unit } class HdrHistogram(name: String, tags: Map[String, String], val measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit, val dynamicRange: DynamicRange) extends AtomicHistogramExtension(dynamicRange) with SnapshotableHistogram with StrictLogging { def record(value: Long): Unit = tryRecord(value, 1) def record(value: Long, count: Long): Unit = tryRecord(value, count) private def tryRecord(value: Long, count: Long): Unit = { try { recordValueWithCount(value, count) } catch { case anyException: Throwable ⇒ logger.warn(s"Failed to store value [$value] in histogram [$name]. You might need to change " + "your dynamic range configuration for this instrument.", anyException) } } override def snapshot(): MetricDistribution = { val buffer = HdrHistogram.tempSnapshotBuffer.get() val counts = countsArray() val countsLimit = counts.length() var index = 0 buffer.clear() var minIndex = Int.MaxValue var maxIndex = 0 var totalCount = 0L while(index < countsLimit) { val countAtIndex = counts.getAndSet(index, 0L) var zerosCount = 0L if(countAtIndex == 0L) { index += 1 zerosCount = 1 while(index < countsLimit && counts.get(index) == 0L) { index += 1 zerosCount += 1 } } if(zerosCount > 0) { if(index < countsLimit) ZigZag.putLong(buffer, -zerosCount) } else { if(minIndex > index) minIndex = index maxIndex = index index += 1 totalCount += countAtIndex ZigZag.putLong(buffer, countAtIndex) } } buffer.flip() val zigZagCounts = Array.ofDim[Byte](buffer.limit()) buffer.get(zigZagCounts) val distribution = new ZigZagCountsDistribution(totalCount, minIndex, maxIndex, ByteBuffer.wrap(zigZagCounts), protectedUnitMagnitude(), protectedSubBucketHalfCount(), protectedSubBucketHalfCountMagnitude()) MetricDistribution(name, tags, measurementUnit, dynamicRange, distribution) } private class ZigZagCountsDistribution(val count: Long, minIndex: Int, maxIndex: Int, zigZagCounts: ByteBuffer, unitMagnitude: Int, subBucketHalfCount: Int, subBucketHalfCountMagnitude: Int) extends Distribution { val min: Long = if(count == 0) 0 else bucketValueAtIndex(minIndex) val max: Long = bucketValueAtIndex(maxIndex) def sum: Long = bucketsIterator.foldLeft(0L)((a, b) => a + (b.value * b.frequency)) def buckets: Seq[Bucket] = { val builder = Vector.newBuilder[Bucket] bucketsIterator.foreach { b => builder += DefaultBucket(b.value, b.frequency) } builder.result() } def bucketsIterator: Iterator[Bucket] = new Iterator[Bucket] { val buffer = zigZagCounts.duplicate() val bucket = MutableBucket(0, 0) var countsArrayIndex = 0 def hasNext: Boolean = buffer.remaining() > 0 def next(): Bucket = { val readLong = ZigZag.getLong(buffer) val frequency = if(readLong > 0) { readLong } else { countsArrayIndex += (-readLong.toInt) ZigZag.getLong(buffer) } bucket.value = bucketValueAtIndex(countsArrayIndex) bucket.frequency = frequency countsArrayIndex += 1 bucket } } def percentilesIterator: Iterator[Percentile] = new Iterator[Percentile]{ val buckets = bucketsIterator val percentile = MutablePercentile(0D, 0, 0) var countUnderQuantile = 0L def hasNext: Boolean = buckets.hasNext def next(): Percentile = { val bucket = buckets.next() countUnderQuantile += bucket.frequency percentile.quantile = (countUnderQuantile * 100D) / ZigZagCountsDistribution.this.count percentile.countUnderQuantile = countUnderQuantile percentile.value = bucket.value percentile } } def percentile(p: Double): Percentile = { val percentiles = percentilesIterator if(percentiles.hasNext) { var currentPercentile = percentiles.next() while(percentiles.hasNext && currentPercentile.quantile < p) { currentPercentile = percentiles.next() } currentPercentile } else DefaultPercentile(p, 0, 0) } def percentiles: Seq[Percentile] = { val builder = Vector.newBuilder[Percentile] percentilesIterator.foreach { p => builder += DefaultPercentile(p.quantile, p.value, p.countUnderQuantile) } builder.result() } @inline private def bucketValueAtIndex(index: Int): Long = { var bucketIndex: Int = (index >> subBucketHalfCountMagnitude) - 1 var subBucketIndex: Int = (index & (subBucketHalfCount - 1)) + subBucketHalfCount if (bucketIndex < 0) { subBucketIndex -= subBucketHalfCount bucketIndex = 0 } subBucketIndex.toLong << (bucketIndex + unitMagnitude) } } case class DefaultBucket(value: Long, frequency: Long) extends Bucket case class MutableBucket(var value: Long, var frequency: Long) extends Bucket case class DefaultPercentile(quantile: Double, value: Long, countUnderQuantile: Long) extends Percentile case class MutablePercentile(var quantile: Double, var value: Long, var countUnderQuantile: Long) extends Percentile } object HdrHistogram { // TODO: move this to some object pool might be better, or at private val tempSnapshotBuffer = new ThreadLocal[ByteBuffer] { override def initialValue(): ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(33792) } }