/* * ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.metric import akka.actor._ import kamon.metric.Subscriptions._ import kamon.util.GlobPathFilter import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, Duration } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kamon.Kamon import kamon.metric.TickMetricSnapshotBuffer.FlushBuffer class Subscriptions extends Actor { import context.system val flushMetricsSchedule = scheduleFlushMessage() val collectionContext = Kamon(Metrics).buildDefaultCollectionContext var lastTick: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() var oneShotSubscriptions: Map[ActorRef, MetricSelectionFilter] = Map.empty var permanentSubscriptions: Map[ActorRef, MetricSelectionFilter] = Map.empty def receive = { case Subscribe(category, selection, subscriber, permanent) ⇒ subscribe(category, selection, subscriber, permanent) case Unsubscribe(subscriber) ⇒ unsubscribe(subscriber) case Terminated(subscriber) ⇒ unsubscribe(subscriber) case FlushMetrics ⇒ flush() } def subscribe(category: MetricGroupCategory, selection: String, subscriber: ActorRef, permanent: Boolean): Unit = { context.watch(subscriber) val newFilter: MetricSelectionFilter = GroupAndPatternFilter(category, new GlobPathFilter(selection)) if (permanent) { permanentSubscriptions = permanentSubscriptions.updated(subscriber, newFilter combine { permanentSubscriptions.getOrElse(subscriber, MetricSelectionFilter.empty) }) } else { oneShotSubscriptions = oneShotSubscriptions.updated(subscriber, newFilter combine { oneShotSubscriptions.getOrElse(subscriber, MetricSelectionFilter.empty) }) } } def unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef): Unit = { if (permanentSubscriptions.contains(subscriber)) permanentSubscriptions = permanentSubscriptions - subscriber if (oneShotSubscriptions.contains(subscriber)) oneShotSubscriptions = oneShotSubscriptions - subscriber } def flush(): Unit = { val currentTick = System.currentTimeMillis() val snapshots = collectAll() dispatchSelectedMetrics(lastTick, currentTick, permanentSubscriptions, snapshots) dispatchSelectedMetrics(lastTick, currentTick, oneShotSubscriptions, snapshots) lastTick = currentTick oneShotSubscriptions = Map.empty } def collectAll(): Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot] = { val allMetrics = Kamon(Metrics).storage val builder = Map.newBuilder[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot] allMetrics.foreach { case (identity, recorder) ⇒ builder += ((identity, recorder.collect(collectionContext))) } builder.result() } def dispatchSelectedMetrics(lastTick: Long, currentTick: Long, subscriptions: Map[ActorRef, MetricSelectionFilter], snapshots: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]): Unit = { for ((subscriber, filter) ← subscriptions) { val selection = snapshots.filter(group ⇒ filter.accept(group._1)) val tickMetrics = TickMetricSnapshot(lastTick, currentTick, selection) subscriber ! tickMetrics } } def scheduleFlushMessage(): Cancellable = { val config = context.system.settings.config val tickInterval = Duration(config.getDuration("kamon.metrics.tick-interval", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) context.system.scheduler.schedule(tickInterval, tickInterval, self, FlushMetrics)(context.dispatcher) } } object Subscriptions { case object FlushMetrics case class Unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef) case class Subscribe(category: MetricGroupCategory, selection: String, subscriber: ActorRef, permanently: Boolean = false) case class TickMetricSnapshot(from: Long, to: Long, metrics: Map[MetricGroupIdentity, MetricGroupSnapshot]) trait MetricSelectionFilter { def accept(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Boolean } object MetricSelectionFilter { val empty = new MetricSelectionFilter { def accept(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Boolean = false } implicit class CombinableMetricSelectionFilter(msf: MetricSelectionFilter) { def combine(that: MetricSelectionFilter): MetricSelectionFilter = new MetricSelectionFilter { def accept(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Boolean = msf.accept(identity) || that.accept(identity) } } } case class GroupAndPatternFilter(category: MetricGroupCategory, globFilter: GlobPathFilter) extends MetricSelectionFilter { def accept(identity: MetricGroupIdentity): Boolean = { category.equals(identity.category) && globFilter.accept(identity.name) } } } class TickMetricSnapshotBuffer(flushInterval: FiniteDuration, receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor { val flushSchedule = context.system.scheduler.schedule(flushInterval, flushInterval, self, FlushBuffer)(context.dispatcher) val collectionContext = Kamon(Metrics)(context.system).buildDefaultCollectionContext def receive = empty def empty: Actor.Receive = { case tick: TickMetricSnapshot ⇒ context become (buffering(tick)) case FlushBuffer ⇒ // Nothing to flush. } def buffering(buffered: TickMetricSnapshot): Actor.Receive = { case TickMetricSnapshot(_, to, tickMetrics) ⇒ val combinedMetrics = combineMaps(buffered.metrics, tickMetrics)(mergeMetricGroup) val combinedSnapshot = TickMetricSnapshot(buffered.from, to, combinedMetrics) context become (buffering(combinedSnapshot)) case FlushBuffer ⇒ receiver ! buffered context become (empty) } override def postStop(): Unit = { flushSchedule.cancel() super.postStop() } def mergeMetricGroup(left: MetricGroupSnapshot, right: MetricGroupSnapshot) = left.merge(right.asInstanceOf[left.GroupSnapshotType], collectionContext).asInstanceOf[MetricGroupSnapshot] // ??? //Combined(combineMaps(left.metrics, right.metrics)((l, r) ⇒ l.merge(r, collectionContext))) } object TickMetricSnapshotBuffer { case object FlushBuffer def props(flushInterval: FiniteDuration, receiver: ActorRef): Props = Props[TickMetricSnapshotBuffer](new TickMetricSnapshotBuffer(flushInterval, receiver)) }