package kamon.instrumentation import scala.concurrent.{Await, Promise, Future} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpec} import org.scalatest.concurrent.{ScalaFutures, PatienceConfiguration} import kamon.{Kamon, TraceContext} import java.util.UUID import scala.util.Success import scala.concurrent.duration._ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import class RunnableInstrumentationSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with PatienceConfiguration with OptionValues { "a instrumented runnable" when { "created in a thread that does have a TraceContext" must { "preserve the TraceContext" which { "should be available during the run method execution" in { new FutureWithContextFixture { whenReady(futureWithContext) { result => result.value should equal(testContext) } }} "should be available during the execution of onComplete callbacks" in { new FutureWithContextFixture { val onCompleteContext = Promise[TraceContext]() futureWithContext.onComplete({ case _ => onCompleteContext.complete(Success(Kamon.context.get)) }) whenReady(onCompleteContext.future) { result => result should equal(testContext) } }} } } "created in a thread that doest have a TraceContext" must { "not capture any TraceContext for the body execution" in { new FutureWithoutContextFixture{ whenReady(futureWithoutContext) { result => result should equal(None) } }} "not make any TraceContext available during the onComplete callback" in { new FutureWithoutContextFixture { val onCompleteContext = Promise[Option[TraceContext]]() futureWithoutContext.onComplete({ case _ => onCompleteContext.complete(Success(Kamon.context)) }) whenReady(onCompleteContext.future) { result => result should equal(None) } }} } } /** * We are using Futures for the test since they exercise Runnables in the back and also resemble the real use case we have. */ implicit val testActorSystem = ActorSystem("test-actorsystem") implicit val execContext = testActorSystem.dispatcher class FutureWithContextFixture { val testContext = TraceContext() Kamon.set(testContext) val futureWithContext = Future { Kamon.context} } trait FutureWithoutContextFixture { Kamon.clear // Make sure no TraceContext is available val futureWithoutContext = Future { Kamon.context } } }