package kamon package metric import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class FilterSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { val testConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ |kamon.util.filters { | | some-filter { | includes = ["**"] | excludes = ["not-me"] | } | | only-includes { | includes = ["only-me"] | } | | only-excludes { | excludes = ["not-me"] | } | | specific-rules { | includes = ["glob:/user/**", "regex:test-[0-5]"] | } | | "filter.with.quotes" { | includes = ["**"] | excludes = ["not-me"] | } |} """.stripMargin ) Kamon.reconfigure(testConfig.withFallback(Kamon.config())) "the entity filters" should { "reject anything that doesn't match any configured filter" in { Kamon.filter("not-a-filter", "hello") shouldBe false } "evaluate patterns for filters with includes and excludes" in { Kamon.filter("some-filter", "anything") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("some-filter", "some-other") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("some-filter", "not-me") shouldBe false } "allow configuring includes only or excludes only for any filter" in { Kamon.filter("only-includes", "only-me") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("only-includes", "anything") shouldBe false Kamon.filter("only-excludes", "any-other") shouldBe false Kamon.filter("only-excludes", "not-me") shouldBe false } "allow to explicitly decide whether patterns are treated as Glob or Regex" in { Kamon.filter("specific-rules", "/user/accepted") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("specific-rules", "/other/rejected/") shouldBe false Kamon.filter("specific-rules", "test-5") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("specific-rules", "test-6") shouldBe false } "allow filters with quoted names" in { Kamon.filter("filter.with.quotes", "anything") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("filter.with.quotes", "some-other") shouldBe true Kamon.filter("filter.with.quotes", "not-me") shouldBe false } } }