package kamon.metric.instrument //import kamon.LogInterceptor //import kamon.metric.Entity //import kamon.testkit.DefaultInstrumentFactory //import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} //import //import // //class CounterSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with LogInterceptor with DefaultInstrumentFactory { // implicit val testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(classOf[LongAdderCounter]) //// //// "a Counter" should { //// //// "allow unit and bundled increments" in { //// val counter = buildCounter("unit-increments") //// counter.increment() //// counter.increment() //// counter.increment(40) //// //// counter.snapshot().value shouldBe(42) //// } //// //// "warn the user and ignore attempts to decrement the counter" in { //// val counter = buildCounter("attempt-to-decrement") //// counter.increment(100) //// counter.increment(100) //// counter.increment(100) //// //// interceptLog(Level.WARN) { //// counter.increment(-10L) //// }.head.getMessage() shouldBe(s"Ignored attempt to decrement counter [attempt-to-decrement] on entity [$defaultEntity]") //// //// counter.snapshot().value shouldBe(300) //// } //// //// "reset the internal state to zero after taking snapshots" in { //// val counter = buildCounter("reset-after-snapshot") //// counter.increment() //// counter.increment(10) //// //// counter.snapshot().value shouldBe(11) //// counter.snapshot().value shouldBe(0) //// } //// } //}