# ==================================== # # Kamon-Datadog Reference Configuration # # ==================================== # kamon { datadog { # Hostname and port in which your Datadog is running. Remember that Datadog packets are sent using UDP and # setting unreachable hosts and/or not open ports wont be warned by the Kamon, your data wont go anywhere. hostname = "" port = 8125 # Interval between metrics data flushes to Datadog. It's value must be equal or greater than the # kamon.metrics.tick-interval setting. flush-interval = 1 second # Max packet size for UDP metrics data sent to Datadog. max-packet-size = 1024 bytes # Subscription patterns used to select which metrics will be pushed to Datadog. Note that first, metrics # collection for your desired entities must be activated under the kamon.metrics.filters settings. includes { actor = [ "*" ] trace = [ "*" ] dispatcher = [ "*" ] router = [ "*" ] } # Enable system metrics # In order to not get a ClassNotFoundException, we must register the kamon-sytem-metrics module report-system-metrics = false # Application prefix for all metrics pushed to Datadog. The default namespacing scheme for metrics follows # this pattern: # application.entity-name.metric-name application-name = "kamon" } }