/* * ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2014 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon.datadog import akka.testkit.{ TestKitBase, TestProbe } import akka.actor.{ Props, ActorRef, ActorSystem } import kamon.{ MilliTimestamp, Kamon } import kamon.metric.instrument.Histogram.Precision import kamon.metric.instrument.{ Counter, Histogram, HdrHistogram, LongAdderCounter } import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpecLike } import kamon.metric._ import akka.io.Udp import kamon.metric.Subscriptions.TickMetricSnapshot import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory import java.net.InetSocketAddress import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory class DatadogMetricSenderSpec extends TestKitBase with WordSpecLike with Matchers { implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("datadog-metric-sender-spec", ConfigFactory.parseString( """ |kamon { | metrics { | disable-aspectj-weaver-missing-error = true | } | | datadog { | max-packet-size = 256 bytes | } |} | """.stripMargin)) val collectionContext = Kamon(Metrics).buildDefaultCollectionContext "the DataDogMetricSender" should { "send latency measurements" in new UdpListenerFixture { val testMetricName = "processing-time" val testRecorder = Histogram(1000L, Precision.Normal, Scale.Unit) testRecorder.record(10L) val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect(collectionContext))) val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] data.utf8String should be(s"kamon.actor.processing-time:10|ms|#actor:user/kamon") } "include the sampling rate in case of multiple measurements of the same value" in new UdpListenerFixture { val testMetricName = "processing-time" val testRecorder = Histogram(1000L, Precision.Normal, Scale.Unit) testRecorder.record(10L) testRecorder.record(10L) val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect(collectionContext))) val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] data.utf8String should be(s"kamon.actor.processing-time:10|ms|@0.5|#actor:user/kamon") } "flush the packet when the max-packet-size is reached" in new UdpListenerFixture { val testMetricName = "processing-time" val testRecorder = Histogram(10000L, Precision.Normal, Scale.Unit) var bytes = 0 var level = 0 while (bytes <= testMaxPacketSize) { level += 1 testRecorder.record(level) bytes += s"kamon.actor.$testMetricName:$level|ms|#actor:user/kamon".length } val udp = setup(Map(testMetricName -> testRecorder.collect(collectionContext))) udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] // let the first flush pass val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] data.utf8String should be(s"kamon.actor.$testMetricName:$level|ms|#actor:user/kamon") } "render multiple keys in the same packet using newline as separator" in new UdpListenerFixture { val firstTestMetricName = "processing-time-1" val secondTestMetricName = "processing-time-2" val thirdTestMetricName = "counter" val firstTestRecorder = Histogram(1000L, Precision.Normal, Scale.Unit) val secondTestRecorder = Histogram(1000L, Precision.Normal, Scale.Unit) val thirdTestRecorder = Counter() firstTestRecorder.record(10L) firstTestRecorder.record(10L) secondTestRecorder.record(21L) thirdTestRecorder.increment(4L) val udp = setup(Map( firstTestMetricName -> firstTestRecorder.collect(collectionContext), secondTestMetricName -> secondTestRecorder.collect(collectionContext), thirdTestMetricName -> thirdTestRecorder.collect(collectionContext))) val Udp.Send(data, _, _) = udp.expectMsgType[Udp.Send] data.utf8String should be("kamon.actor.processing-time-1:10|ms|@0.5|#actor:user/kamon\nkamon.actor.processing-time-2:21|ms|#actor:user/kamon\nkamon.actor.counter:4|c|#actor:user/kamon") } } trait UdpListenerFixture { val localhostName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split('@')(1) val testMaxPacketSize = system.settings.config.getBytes("kamon.datadog.max-packet-size") def setup(metrics: Map[String, MetricSnapshot]): TestProbe = { val udp = TestProbe() val metricsSender = system.actorOf(Props(new DatadogMetricsSender(new InetSocketAddress(localhostName, 0), testMaxPacketSize) { override def udpExtension(implicit system: ActorSystem): ActorRef = udp.ref })) // Setup the SimpleSender udp.expectMsgType[Udp.SimpleSender] udp.reply(Udp.SimpleSenderReady) // These names are not intented to match the real actor metrics, it's just about seeing more familiar data in tests. val testGroupIdentity = new MetricGroupIdentity { val name: String = "user/kamon" val category: MetricGroupCategory = new MetricGroupCategory { val name: String = "actor" } } val testMetrics = for ((metricName, snapshot) ← metrics) yield { val testMetricIdentity = new MetricIdentity { val name: String = metricName val tag: String = "" } (testMetricIdentity, snapshot) } metricsSender ! TickMetricSnapshot(new MilliTimestamp(0), new MilliTimestamp(0), Map(testGroupIdentity -> new MetricGroupSnapshot { type GroupSnapshotType = Histogram.Snapshot def merge(that: GroupSnapshotType, context: CollectionContext): GroupSnapshotType = ??? val metrics: Map[MetricIdentity, MetricSnapshot] = testMetrics.toMap })) udp } } }