# ================================== # # Kamon-Play Reference Configuration # # ================================== # kamon { play { # Header name used when propagating the `TraceContext.token` value across applications. trace-token-header-name = "X-Trace-Token" # When set to true, Kamon will automatically set and propogate the `TraceContext.token` value under the following # conditions: # - When a server side request is received containing the trace token header, the new `TraceContext` will have that # some token, and once the response to that request is ready, the trace token header is also included in the # response. # - When a WS client request is issued and a `TraceContext` is available, the trace token header will be included # in the request headers. automatic-trace-token-propagation = true # Fully qualified name of the implementation of kamon.play.PlayNameGenerator that will be used for assigning names # to traces and client http segments. name-generator = kamon.play.DefaultPlayNameGenerator dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher" } }