/* =================================================== * Copyright © 2013 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================================================== */ package spray.can.server import org.aspectj.lang.annotation._ import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint import spray.http.HttpRequest import spray.http.HttpHeaders.Host import kamon.trace.{ TraceContext, Trace, ContextAware, TimedContextAware } //import spray.can.client.HttpHostConnector.RequestContext @Aspect class SprayOpenRequestContextTracing { @DeclareMixin("spray.can.client.HttpHostConnector.RequestContext") def mixinContextAwareToRequestContext: TimedContextAware = new TimedContextAware { val timestamp: Long = System.nanoTime() val traceContext: Option[TraceContext] = Trace.context() } } @Aspect class SprayServerInstrumentation { @Pointcut("execution(spray.can.client.HttpHostConnector.RequestContext.new(..)) && this(ctx) && args(request, *, *, *)") def requestRecordInit(ctx: TimedContextAware, request: HttpRequest): Unit = {} @After("requestRecordInit(ctx, request)") def whenCreatedRequestRecord(ctx: TimedContextAware, request: HttpRequest): Unit = { // Necessary to force the initialization of TracingAwareRequestContext at the moment of creation. /*for{ tctx <- ctx.traceContext host <- request.header[Host] } tctx.tracer ! WebExternalStart(ctx.timestamp, host.host)*/ } @Pointcut("execution(* spray.can.client.HttpHostConnectionSlot.dispatchToCommander(..)) && args(requestContext, message)") def dispatchToCommander(requestContext: TimedContextAware, message: Any): Unit = {} @Around("dispatchToCommander(requestContext, message)") def aroundDispatchToCommander(pjp: ProceedingJoinPoint, requestContext: TimedContextAware, message: Any) = { println("Completing the request with context: " + requestContext.traceContext) /*Tracer.context.withValue(requestContext.traceContext) { requestContext.traceContext.map { tctx => //tctx.tracer ! WebExternalFinish(requestContext.timestamp) } pjp.proceed() }*/ } @Pointcut("execution(* spray.can.client.HttpHostConnector.RequestContext.copy(..)) && this(old)") def copyingRequestContext(old: TimedContextAware): Unit = {} @Around("copyingRequestContext(old)") def aroundCopyingRequestContext(pjp: ProceedingJoinPoint, old: TimedContextAware) = { println("Instrumenting the request context copy.") /*Tracer.traceContext.withValue(old.traceContext) { pjp.proceed() }*/ } } @Aspect class SprayRequestContextTracing { @DeclareMixin("spray.can.client.HttpHostConnector.RequestContext") def mixin: ContextAware = new ContextAware { val traceContext: Option[TraceContext] = Trace.context() } }