--- title: kamon | Akka Toolkit | Documentation layout: default --- Documentation === Dependencies --- Apart from scala library kamon depends on: - aspectj - spray-io - akka-actor Installation --- Kamon works with SBT, so you need to add Kamon.io repository to your resolvers. Configuration --- Just like other products in the scala ecosystem, it relies on the typesafe configuration library. Since kamon uses the same configuration technique as [Spray](http://spray.io/documentation "Spray") / [Akka](http://akka.io/docs "Akka") you might want to check out the [Akka-Documentation-configuration](http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.4/general/configuration.html "Akka Documentation on configuration") . In order to see Kamon in action you need first to set up your sbt project. 1. Add Kamon repository to resolvers ```scala "Kamon Repository" at "http://repo.kamon.io" ``` 2. Add libraryDepenency ```scala "kamon" %% "kamon-spray" % "0.0.11", ``` In addition we suggest to create aspectj.sbt file and add this content ```scala import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtAspectj._ aspectjSettings javaOptions <++= AspectjKeys.weaverOptions in Aspectj ``` 3. Add to your plugins.sbt in project folder (if you don't have one yet, create the file) and add the Kamon release to the resolver and the aspecj. ```scala resolvers += Resolver.url("Kamon Releases", url("http://repo.kamon.io"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns) addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-aspectj" % "0.9.2") ``` **application.conf** ```scala akka { loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] actor { debug { unhandled = on } } } ``` Examples --- TODO: (to be published) The example will start a spray server with akka and logback configuration. Adjust it to your needs. Follow the steps in order to clone the repository 1. git clone git://github.com/kamon/kamon.git 2. cd kamon For the first example run ```bash sbt "project kamon-uow-example" ``` In order to see how it works, you need to send a message to the rest service ```bash curl -v --header 'X-UOW:YOUR_TRACER_ID' -X GET '' ```