--- layout: post title: Kamon for Akka 2.3 is now available! date: 2014-04-24 categories: teamblog tags: announcement --- Dear community, We are happy to announce that Kamon 0.3.0, our latest release is out and compatible with Akka 2.3! From now on, all of our releases will come in pairs with aligned with the Akka versions: * 0.3.x releases are compatible with Akka 2.3, Spray 1.3 and Play 2.3-M1. * 0.2.x releases are compatible with Akka 2.2, Spray 1.2 and Play 2.2. The 0.3.0/0.2.0 releases contain exactly the same feature set as our 0.0.15 release, we just made the necessary changes to make it compatible with Akka 2.3. If you were waiting for this release, then go and [get started](/get-started) right away!