import flow.{FlowBuild, Release} FlowBuild.commonSettings Release.settings /* Settings related to publishing */ publishArtifact := false publish := () publishLocal := () // make sbt-pgp happy publishTo := Some(Resolver.file("Unused transient repository", target.value / "unusedrepo")) /* Generate documentation */ enablePlugins(PreprocessPlugin) sourceDirectory in Preprocess := (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "Documentation" preprocessVars in Preprocess := Map( "version" -> version.value, "native_major" -> "3", "native_minor" -> "0" ) /* Add scaladoc to documentation */ enablePlugins(SiteScaladocPlugin) unidocSettings scalacOptions in (ScalaUnidoc, doc) ++= Seq( "-groups", // Group similar methods together based on the @group annotation. "-diagrams", // Show classs hierarchy diagrams (requires 'dot' to be available on path) "-implicits", // Add methods "inherited" through implicit conversions "-sourcepath", baseDirectory.value.getAbsolutePath ) ++ { val latestTag: String = "git describe --abbrev=0".!! Opts.doc.sourceUrl( s"$latestTag€{FILE_PATH}.scala" ) } siteMappings ++= (mappings in (ScalaUnidoc, packageDoc)){ case (file, path) => (file, "api/" + path) }