--- layout: page title: Documentation --- ## Documentation Start by reading the manual and checking out some examples. - [Manual]({{site.version_docs}}/manual) Explains how to get started and how to use all features. Definitive guide to using akka-serial. - [Examples](https://github.com/jodersky/akka-serial/tree/master/samples) See some very simple, working demo applications. - [Developer Guide]({{site.version_docs}}/developer) Instructions on building, testing and publishing akka-serial. - [API documentation]({{site.version_docs}}/api/akka/serial/Serial$) Browse akka-serial's API. ## Help Have a question or suggestion? Found a bug? There are several channels to get help. - [Issues](https://github.com/jodersky/akka-serial/issues) Check known issues or file a new one. This is also the place to go for long questions or propositions. - [Chat](https://gitter.im/jodersky/akka-serial) Gitter chat for simple inquiries. ## Use cases Get inspired by some real projects that use akka-serial. - [Virtual Cockpit](https://github.com/project-condor/mavigator) part of [Project Condor](https://project-condor.github.io/), a do-it-yourself drone. - [Hyperion](https://github.com/mthmulders/hyperion) back-end, part of a web-based energy dashboard for "smart meters". - [(add yours by opening an issue)](https://github.com/jodersky/akka-serial/issues)