--- layout: page title: Downloads --- ## Latest Version {{site.version_latest}} {::options parse_block_html="true" /}
### Sbt Coordinates Add the following to your build configuration: ~~~scala // main artifact libraryDependencies += "ch.jodersky" %% "akka-serial-core" % "{{site.version_latest}}" // "fat" jar containing native libraries libraryDependencies += "ch.jodersky" % "akka-serial-native" % "{{site.version_latest}}" % "runtime" // support for Akka streams libraryDependencies += "ch.jodersky" %% "akka-serial-stream" % "{{site.version_latest}}" ~~~
### Supported Platforms*
Darwin (Mac OSX)x86_64

*These are the platforms for which a native library is included in the release. akka-serial is POSIX compatible so it can be built for a lot more platforms.

## Release Notes Consult the release notes for important changes. ## Requirements Flow depends on Akka 2.4 and requires a Java runtime version of 1.8. It is released for Scala binary versions 2.11 and 2.12. ## Previous Versions Archived releases are available in GitHub releases.