package com.github.jodersky.flow import{ Actor, ActorLogging, OneForOneStrategy } import{ Escalate, Stop } import internal.{ SerialConnection, Watcher } import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } /** * Entry point to the serial API. Actor that manages serial port creation. Once opened, a serial port is handed over to * a dedicated operator actor that acts as an intermediate between client code and the native system serial port. * @see SerialOperator */ class SerialManager extends Actor with ActorLogging { import SerialManager._ import context._ override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() { case _: Exception if sender == watcher => Escalate case _: Exception => Stop } private val watcher = actorOf(Watcher(self), "watcher") def receive = { case open @ Serial.Open(port, settings, bufferSize) => Try {, settings) } match { case Success(connection) => context.actorOf(SerialOperator(connection, bufferSize, sender), name = escapePortString(connection.port)) case Failure(err) => sender ! Serial.CommandFailed(open, err) } case w: Serial.Watch => watcher.forward(w) case u: Serial.Unwatch => watcher.forward(u) } } object SerialManager { private def escapePortString(port: String) = port collect { case '/' => '-' case c => c } }