package com.github.jodersky.flow.low import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ import import com.github.jodersky.flow.AccessDeniedException import com.github.jodersky.flow.NoSuchPortException import com.github.jodersky.flow.PortInUseException import com.github.jodersky.flow.PortClosingException import scala.util.Try class Serial private (val port: String, private val pointer: Long) { import NativeSerial._ def read(): Array[Byte] = synchronized { val buffer = new Array[Byte](100), buffer) match { case E_POINTER => throw new NullPointerException("pointer to native serial") case E_POLL => throw new IOException(port + ": polling") case E_IO => throw new IOException(port + ": reading") case E_CLOSE => throw new PortClosingException(port + " closing") case bytes if bytes > 0 => buffer.take(bytes) case error => throw new IOException(s"unknown read error ${error}") } } def write(data: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = { import NativeSerial._ NativeSerial.write(pointer, data) match { case E_POINTER => throw new NullPointerException("pointer to native serial") case E_IO => throw new IOException(port + ": writing") case bytes if bytes > 0 => data.take(bytes) case error => throw new IOException(s"unknown write error ${error}") } } def close() = { NativeSerial.close(pointer) } } object Serial { def open(port: String, baud: Int) = synchronized { val pointer = new Array[Long](1) val result =, baud, pointer) import NativeSerial._ result match { case E_PERMISSION => throw new AccessDeniedException(port) case E_OPEN => throw new NoSuchPortException(port) case E_BUSY => throw new PortInUseException(port) case E_BAUD => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"invalid baudrate ${baud}, use standard unix values") case E_PIPE => throw new IOException("cannot create pipe") case E_MALLOC => throw new IOException("cannot allocate memory for serial port") case 0 => new Serial(port, pointer(0)) case error => throw new IOException(s"unknown error ${error}") } } def debug(value: Boolean) = NativeSerial.debug(value) }