import sbt._ import Keys._ import import import import Jni._ object FlowBuild extends Build { val Organization = "com.github.jodersky" val Version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" //version of flow library val BinaryMajorVersion = 1 //binary major version used to select so's and dlls when publishing (needs to be incremented if API changes are made to flow.h or val ScalaVersion = "2.10.1" //see native settings down below lazy val commonSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( organization := Organization, version := Version, scalaVersion := ScalaVersion, resolvers += "Typesafe Repo" at "", scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature")) lazy val runSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( fork := true, connectInput in run := true) lazy val main: Project = ( Project("flow-main", file("flow-main")) settings (commonSettings: _*) settings ( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( Dependencies.akkaActor, Dependencies.ioCore, Dependencies.ioFile), compileOrder in Compile := CompileOrder.Mixed, resourceGenerators in Compile <+= (resourceManaged in Compile, link in Native in getOsProject) map { (resDir, binary) => val file = canonicalBinaryPath(resDir / "native", binary.getName) IO.copyFile(binary, file) Seq(file) } ) ) lazy val rwc = ( Project("flow-samples-rwc", file("flow-samples") / "rwc") settings(commonSettings: _*) settings(runSettings: _*) dependsOn(main) ) //--- native settings -------------------------------------------------- def getOsProject = { sys.props("").toLowerCase match { case "linux" => LocalProject("flow-native-linux") //use local project to avoid stackoverflow on cyclic dependencies case _ => throw new Exception("There is no native project defined for your current OS." + " Have a look at the project flow-native-linux to see how to create one yourself. You may ignore this error by commenting " + "the relevant lines in project/Build.scala, however by doing so, compiling native sources may miserably fail!") } } def canonicalBinaryPath(base: File, binaryName: String) = { base / sys.props("").toLowerCase / sys.props("os.arch").toLowerCase / binaryName } val publishNative = taskKey[File]("Publish native binary compiled on current OS to flow-binaries project so that it may be packaged in a distribution of flow.") val publishNativeImpl = Def.task{ val in = (link in Native).value val out = canonicalBinaryPath((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "flow-binaries", in.getName) IO.copyFile(in, out) out } lazy val commonNativeSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( includeDirectories in Native += file("flow-native") / "shared" / "include", nativeCompile in Native := ((nativeCompile in Native) dependsOn (compile in Compile in main)).value, publishNative := publishNativeImpl.value, javahClasspath := Seq((classDirectory in Compile in main).value), javahClasses := Seq("com.github.jodersky.flow.internal.NativeSerial")) ++ Jni.defaultSettings //--- native unix-like settings ---------------------------------------- val UnixBinaryMinorVersion = 0 lazy val unixNativeSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = commonNativeSettings ++ Seq( flags in Native := Seq("-fPIC", "-O2"), linkFlags in Native ++= Seq("-shared", s"-Wl,-soname,${BinaryMajorVersion}"), binaryName in Native := s"${BinaryMajorVersion}.${UnixBinaryMinorVersion}", nativeSource in Native := baseDirectory.value / "src") lazy val nativeLinux = ( NativeProject("flow-native-linux", file("flow-native") / "unix") settings (unixNativeSettings: _*) settings ( includeDirectories in Native += jdkHome.value / "include" / "linux" ) dependsOn(main) ) /* stub for native project on a mac, I don't know if this would actually work... lazy val nativeMacOSX = ( NativeProject("flow-native-macosx", file("flow-native") / "unix") settings (unixNativeSettings: _*) settings ( includeDirectories in Native += jdkHome.value / "include" / "macosx" ) dependsOn (main) )*/ }