package flow import sbt._ import sbtrelease._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport._ import sbtrelease.ReleaseStateTransformations._ import ch.jodersky.sbt.jni.plugins.JniNative.autoImport._ import ch.jodersky.sbt.jni.plugins.JniPackaging.autoImport._ import com.typesafe.sbt.pgp.PgpKeys._ object Release { def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( //sign git tags releaseVcs := Some(new SignedGit(Keys.baseDirectory.value)), //publish signed releasePublishArtifactsAction := publishSigned.value, //build for multiple scala versions, releaseCrossBuild := true, releaseProcess := Seq[ReleaseStep]( //Check that there are no snapshot dependencies checkSnapshotDependencies, //During a release, only native libraries in lib_native will be packaged disableLocalBuild, //Check that there are native libraries in lib_native and list all //libraries that will be packaged checkNativeLibs, //Ask for release version and next development version inquireVersions, //Set version to release version and save setReleaseVersion, //Clean runClean, //Compile and test runTest, //If all tests pass, commit the updated version commitReleaseVersion, //Also create a tag tagRelease, //Publish artifacts, note that they will only be uploaded, not yet be released to the public publishArtifacts, //Bump version to next development setNextVersion, //update website //Commit commitNextVersion, //Push all changes (commits and tags) to GitHub pushChanges //Release artifact on bintray ) ) /** Set `enableNativeCompilations` to false. */ lazy val disableLocalBuild = ReleaseStep(st => { val st1 = ReleaseStateTransformations.reapply(Seq( enableNativeCompilation in FlowBuild.native in Compile := false ), st)"Disabled compilation of native libraries during release process.") st1 }) /** Release step that prints all native libraries that will be packaged * and awaits approval from user. */ lazy val checkNativeLibs = ReleaseStep(action = st0 => { val log = st0.log val project = FlowBuild.native val extracted = Project.extract(st0) val (st1, libs) = extracted.runTask(unmanagedNativeLibraries in project in Compile, st0)"The following native libraries will be packaged:")"Kernel\tArchitecture\tFile")"---------------------") libs.toSeq.sortBy({ case (platform, file) => + "\t" + platform.arch + "\t" + file.getAbsolutePath) } val currentPlatform = extracted.get(nativePlatform in project in Compile) if (!libs.contains(currentPlatform)) { log.warn("Native library for the current platform does not exist! It will not be released.") } SimpleReader.readLine("Are the all native libraries listed (y/n)? [n] ") match { case Some("y") => //do nothing case _ => sys.error("Mssing native libaries. Aborting release.") } st1 }) /** A Git wrapper that signs tags. */ class SignedGit(baseDir: File) extends Git(baseDir) { override def tag(name: String, comment: String, force: Boolean = false) = cmd("tag", "-s", name, "-m", comment, if(force) "-f" else "") } }