import sbt._ import Keys._ import NativeKeys._ import scala.util.Try object JniKeys { val jdkHome = settingKey[Option[File]]("Home of JDK.") val jdkHomeNotFound = taskKey[Unit]("Utility task that informs user that no JDK was found.") val javahHeaderDirectory = settingKey[File]("Directory where generated javah header files are placed.") val javahClasses = settingKey[Seq[String]]("Fully qualified names of classes containing native declarations.") val javahClasspath = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Classpath to use in javah.") val javah = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate JNI headers.") } object JniDefaults { import JniKeys._ val defaultSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( jdkHome := Try(file(sys.env("JAVA_HOME"))).toOption, jdkHomeNotFound := jdkHomeNotFoundImpl.value, nativeCompile in Native := ((nativeCompile in Native) dependsOn jdkHomeNotFound).value, javahHeaderDirectory := (sourceManaged in Native).value / "javah", javah := javahImpl.value, sourceGenerators in Native <+= javah map { headers => headers}, includeDirectories in Native += javahHeaderDirectory.value, includeDirectories in Native ++= jdk => jdk / "include").toSeq) def jdkHomeNotFoundImpl = Def.task { if (jdkHome.value == None) { streams.value.log.warn( "No JDK home directory found, any native code using JNI may not compile. Please set JAVA_HOME environment variable.") } () } def javahImpl = Def.task { val cps = javahClasspath.value val cp = cps.mkString(":") for (clazz <- javahClasses.value) { val parts = Seq( "javah", "-d", javahHeaderDirectory.value, "-classpath", cp, clazz) val cmd = parts.mkString(" ") val ev = Process(cmd) ! streams.value.log if (ev != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Error occured running javah.") } IO.listFiles(javahHeaderDirectory.value) } }