package akka.serial package sync import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.scalatest._ class SerialConnectionSpec extends WordSpec with PseudoTerminal { def withEchoConnection[A](action: SerialConnection => A): A = { withEcho { (port, settings) => val connection =, settings) try { action(connection) } finally { connection.close() } } } "A SerialConnection" should { "open a valid port" in { withEcho { (port, settings) =>, settings) } } "throw an exception on an invalid port" in { val settings = SerialSettings(baud = 115200) intercept[NoSuchPortException] {"/dev/nonexistant", settings) } } "read the same data it writes to an echo pty" in { withEchoConnection { conn => /* Note: this test assumes that all data will be written and read * within single write and read calls. This in turn assumes that * internal operating system buffers have enough capacity to * store all data. */ val bufferSize = 64 val outString = "hello world" val outBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize) val outData = outString.getBytes outBuffer.put(outData) conn.write(outBuffer) val inBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize) val inData = new Array[Byte](inBuffer.remaining()) inBuffer.get(inData) val inString = new String(inData) assert(inString == outString) } } "interrupt a read when closing a port" in { withEchoConnection { conn => val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64) val closer = new Thread { override def run(): Unit = { Thread.sleep(100) conn.close() } } closer.start() intercept[PortInterruptedException]{ } closer.join() } } "throw an exception when reading from a closed port" in { withEchoConnection { conn => val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64) conn.close() intercept[PortClosedException]{ } } } "throw an exception when writing to a closed port" in { withEchoConnection { conn => val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64) conn.close() intercept[PortClosedException]{ conn.write(buffer) } } } } }