import mill._, scalalib._, publish._ import ammonite.ops._, ujson.Js import $, $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ import $ object cask extends ScalaModule with PublishModule { def scalaVersion = "2.12.6" def ivyDeps = Agg( ivy"org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:${scalaVersion()}", ivy"io.undertow:undertow-core:2.0.11.Final", ivy"com.lihaoyi::upickle:0.6.6", ) def compileIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::acyclic:0.1.7") def scalacOptions = Seq("-P:acyclic:force") def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::acyclic:0.1.7") def publishVersion = build.publishVersion()._2 def pomSettings = PomSettings( description = artifactName(), organization = "com.lihaoyi", url = "", licenses = Seq(License.MIT), versionControl = VersionControl.github("lihaoyi", "cask"), developers = Seq( Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi","") ) ) object test extends Tests{ def testFrameworks = Seq("utest.runner.Framework") def ivyDeps = Agg( ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest::0.6.3", ivy"com.lihaoyi::requests::0.1.2", ivy"org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.18.0", ivy"io.getquill::quill-jdbc:2.5.4" ) } } object example extends Module{ trait LocalModule extends ScalaModule{ def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps().filter(_ != ivy"com.lihaoyi::cask:0.0.6") override def millSourcePath = super.millSourcePath / "app" def moduleDeps = Seq(cask) } object compress extends $ with LocalModule object compress2 extends $ with LocalModule object compress3 extends $ with LocalModule object cookies extends $ with LocalModule object decorated extends $ with LocalModule object decorated2 extends $ with LocalModule object endpoints extends $ with LocalModule object formJsonPost extends $ with LocalModule object httpMethods extends $ with LocalModule object minimalApplication extends $ with LocalModule object minimalApplication2 extends $ with LocalModule object redirectAbort extends $ with LocalModule object scalatags extends $ with LocalModule object staticFiles extends $ with LocalModule object todo extends $ with LocalModule object todoApi extends $ with LocalModule object todoDb extends $ with LocalModule object variableRoutes extends $ with LocalModule object websockets extends $ with LocalModule } def publishVersion = T.input($ def gitHead = T.input($ def uploadToGithub(authKey: String) = T.command{ val (releaseTag, label) = publishVersion() if (releaseTag == label){ scalaj.http.Http("") .postData( ujson.write( Js.Obj( "tag_name" -> releaseTag, "name" -> releaseTag ) ) ) .header("Authorization", "token " + authKey) .asString } val examples = Seq( $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, ) for(example <- examples){ val f = tmp.dir() cp(example, f/'folder) write.over( f/'folder/"cask", """#!/usr/bin/env bash | |if [ ! -f out/mill-cask ]; then | echo "Initializing Cask/Mill build tool for the first time" | mkdir -p out && | (echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" && curl -L > out/mill-cask |fi | |chmod +x out/mill-cask |"$(pwd)"/out/mill-cask "$@" """.stripMargin ) %%("chmod", "+x", f/'folder/"cask")(f/'folder) write.over( f/'folder/"", read(f/'folder/"").replace("trait AppModule ", "object app ") ) %%("zip", "-r", f/"", f/'folder)(f/'folder) upload.apply(f/"", releaseTag, label + "/" + example.last + ".zip", authKey) } }