package cask.main import cask.endpoints.WebsocketResult import cask.model._ import cask.internal.Router.EntryPoint import cask.internal.{DispatchTrie, Router, Util} import io.undertow.Undertow import io.undertow.server.{HttpHandler, HttpServerExchange} import io.undertow.server.handlers.BlockingHandler import io.undertow.util.HttpString /** * A combination of [[cask.Main]] and [[cask.Routes]], ideal for small * one-file web applications. */ class MainRoutes extends BaseMain with Routes{ def allRoutes = Seq(this) } /** * Defines the main entrypoint and configuration of the Cask web application. * * You can pass in an arbitrary number of [[cask.Routes]] objects for it to * serve, and override various properties on [[Main]] in order to configure * application-wide properties. */ class Main(servers0: Routes*) extends BaseMain{ def allRoutes = servers0.toSeq } abstract class BaseMain{ def mainDecorators = Seq.empty[cask.main.Decorator] def allRoutes: Seq[Routes] def port: Int = 8080 def host: String = "localhost" def debugMode: Boolean = true lazy val routeList = for{ routes <- allRoutes route <- => x: Routes.EndpointMetadata[_]) } yield (routes, route) lazy val routeTries = Seq("get", "put", "post", "websocket") .map { method => method -> DispatchTrie.construct[(Routes, Routes.EndpointMetadata[_])](0, for ((route, metadata) <- routeList if metadata.endpoint.methods.contains(method)) yield (Util.splitPath(metadata.endpoint.path): IndexedSeq[String], (route, metadata), metadata.endpoint.subpath) ) }.toMap def writeResponse(exchange: HttpServerExchange, response: Response) = { response.headers.foreach{case (k, v) => exchange.getResponseHeaders.put(new HttpString(k), v) } response.cookies.foreach(c => exchange.setResponseCookie(Cookie.toUndertow(c))) exchange.setStatusCode(response.statusCode) } def handleNotFound(): Response = { Response( s"Error 404: ${Status.codesToStatus(404).reason}", statusCode = 404 ) } def defaultHandler = new BlockingHandler( new HttpHandler() { def handleRequest(exchange: HttpServerExchange): Unit = { val (effectiveMethod, runner) = if (exchange.getRequestHeaders.getFirst("Upgrade") == "websocket") { "websocket" -> ((r: Any) => r.asInstanceOf[WebsocketResult] match{ case l: WebsocketResult.Listener => io.undertow.Handlers.websocket(l.value).handleRequest(exchange) case r: WebsocketResult.Response => writeResponseHandler(r).handleRequest(exchange) } ) } else { exchange.getRequestMethod.toString.toLowerCase() -> ((r: Any) => writeResponse(exchange, r.asInstanceOf[Response])) } routeTries(effectiveMethod).lookup(Util.splitPath(exchange.getRequestPath).toList, Map()) match { case None => writeResponse(exchange, handleNotFound()) case Some(((routes, metadata), extBindings, remaining)) => val ctx = Request(exchange, remaining) def rec(remaining: List[Decorator], bindings: List[Map[String, Any]]): Router.Result[Any] = try { remaining match { case head :: rest => head.wrapFunction(ctx, args => rec(rest, args :: bindings).asInstanceOf[Router.Result[head.Output]]) case Nil => metadata.endpoint.wrapFunction(ctx, epBindings => metadata.entryPoint .asInstanceOf[EntryPoint[cask.main.Routes, cask.model.Request]] .invoke(routes, ctx, (epBindings ++ extBindings.mapValues(metadata.endpoint.wrapPathSegment)) :: bindings.reverse) .asInstanceOf[Router.Result[Nothing]] ) } // Make sure we wrap any exceptions that bubble up from decorator // bodies, so outer decorators do not need to worry about their // delegate throwing on them }catch{case e: Throwable => Router.Result.Error.Exception(e) } rec((metadata.decorators ++ routes.decorators ++ mainDecorators).toList, Nil)match{ case Router.Result.Success(res) => runner(res) case e: Router.Result.Error => writeResponse(exchange, handleEndpointError(exchange, routes, metadata, e)) None } } } } ) def writeResponseHandler(r: WebsocketResult.Response) = new BlockingHandler( new HttpHandler { def handleRequest(exchange: HttpServerExchange): Unit = { writeResponse(exchange, r.value) } } ) def handleEndpointError(exchange: HttpServerExchange, routes: Routes, metadata: Routes.EndpointMetadata[_], e: Router.Result.Error) = { val statusCode = e match { case _: Router.Result.Error.Exception => 500 case _: Router.Result.Error.InvalidArguments => 400 case _: Router.Result.Error.MismatchedArguments => 400 } Response( if (!debugMode) s"Error $statusCode: ${Status.codesToStatus(statusCode).reason}" else ErrorMsgs.formatInvokeError( routes, metadata.entryPoint.asInstanceOf[EntryPoint[cask.main.Routes, _]], e ), statusCode = statusCode ) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val server = Undertow.builder .addHttpListener(port, host) .setHandler(defaultHandler) .build server.start() } }