import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.6.5` import scalatags.stylesheet._ import scalatags.Text.all._ val marginWidth = "25%" object WideStyles extends StyleSheet{ initStyleSheet() override def customSheetName = Some("WideStyles") def header = cls( position.fixed, top := 0, bottom := 0, width := marginWidth,, display.flex, flexDirection.column ) def tableOfContentsItem = cls( // We have to use inline-block and verticalAlign.middle and width: 100% // here, instead of simply using display.block, because display.block items // with overflow.hidden seem to misbehave and render badly in different ways // between firefox (renders correctly), chrome (body of list item is offset // one row from the bullet) and safari (bullet is entirely missing) display.`inline-block`, width := "100%", verticalAlign.middle, overflow.hidden, textOverflow.ellipsis ) def tableOfContents = cls( display.flex, flexDirection.column, flexGrow := 1, flexShrink := 1, minHeight := 0, width := "100%" ) def content = cls( padding := "2em 3em 0", padding := 48, marginLeft := marginWidth, boxSizing.`border-box` ) def footer = cls( position.fixed, bottom := 0, height := 50, width := marginWidth ) def marginLeftZero = cls( marginLeft := 0 ) } object NarrowStyles extends StyleSheet{ initStyleSheet() override def customSheetName = Some("NarrowStyles") def header = cls( marginBottom := 10 ) def content = cls( padding := 16 ) def headerContent = cls( flexDirection.row, width := "100%", display.flex, ) def flexFont = cls( fontSize := "4vw" ) def disappear = cls( display.none ) def floatLeft = cls( float.left, marginLeft := 30 ) } object Styles extends CascadingStyleSheet{ initStyleSheet() override def customSheetName = Some("Styles") def hoverBox = cls( display.flex, flexDirection.row,, justifyContent.spaceBetween, &hover( hoverLink( opacity := 0.5 ) ) ) def hoverLink = cls( opacity := 0.1, &hover( opacity := 1.0 ) ) def headerStyle = cls( backgroundColor := "rgb(61, 79, 93)", display.flex, boxSizing.`border-box` ) def headerLinkBox = cls( flex := 1, display.flex, flexDirection.column, ) def headerLink = cls( flex := 1, display.flex,,, padding := "10px 10px" ) def footerStyle = cls( display.flex,, color := "rgb(158, 167, 174)" ) def subtleLink = cls( textDecoration.none ) }