Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis-link] [![Gitter Chat][gitter-badge]][gitter-link] [![Patreon][patreon-badge]][patreon-link] ===================================================================================================================================================================== [travis-badge]: [travis-link]: [gitter-badge]: [gitter-link]: [patreon-badge]: [patreon-link]: ```scala object MinimalApplication extends cask.MainRoutes{ @cask.get("/") def hello() = { "Hello World!" }"/do-thing") def doThing(request: cask.Request) = { new String(request.readAllBytes()).reverse } initialize() } ``` Cask is a simple Scala web framework inspired by Python's [Flask]( project. It aims to bring simplicity, flexibility and ease-of-use to Scala webservers, avoiding cryptic DSLs or complicated asynchrony. - [Documentation]( Cask is profiled using the [JProfiler Java Profiler](, courtesy of EJ Technologies ## Changelog ### 0.3.3 - Separate `cask-actor` into a separate artifact, documented separately as [Cask Actors]( ### 0.3.2 - Support for Scala 2.13.1 ### 0.3.1 - Mismatched decorator types applied to a single method is now a compile error - `staticFiles` and `staticResources` now allows you to specify response headers - Allow `cask.decorators.compress` to be used as a `cask.Routes` or `cask.Main` decorator without crashing on websocket responses - Allow decorators to be defined and used for non-`cask.Response` results ### 0.3.0 - Fix crashes in `cask.WebsocketClientImpl` ### 0.2.9 - Provide a simple cross-platform builtin websocket client in `cask.WsClient` ### 0.2.8 - Make `Routes#log` implicit ### 0.2.7 - Cross-publish `cask.util` for Scala.js ### 0.2.6 - Embed `` in `cask.Routes` by default, to be overriden if necessary ### 0.2.5 - Internal refactoring to clean up routing logic ### 0.2.4 - Standardize on a basic `cask.Logger` interface - Create a simple actor-based API for handling websockets in `cask.WsHandler` and `cask.WsActor` ### 0.2.3 - `cask.Response` is now covariant ### 0.2.2 - Use standard `./mill` bootstrap script ### 0.2.1 - Support for Scala 2.13.0